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Using Redis as a distributed counter store

Cristi Pufu edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 4 revisions
  • Install the Redis extension NuGet package:

Install-Package AspNetCoreRateLimit.Redis

  • Register the ConnectionMultiplexer and the rate limiting stores in Startup.cs:
var redisOptions = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(Configuration["ConnectionStrings:Redis"]);
services.AddSingleton<IConnectionMultiplexer>(provider => ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(redisOptions));


Old Version 3:

If you load-balance your app, you'll need to use IDistributedCache with Redis or SQLServer so that all app instances will have the same rate limit counter store.

Solution 1

  • Use the distributed implementations in Startup.cs:
// inject counter and rules distributed cache stores
services.AddSingleton<IClientPolicyStore, DistributedCacheClientPolicyStore>();
services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
    options.ConfigurationOptions = new ConfigurationOptions
        //silently retry in the background if the Redis connection is temporarily down
        AbortOnConnectFail = false
    options.Configuration = "localhost:6379";
    options.InstanceName = "AspNetRateLimit";

Solution 2 - in-memory cache fallback

  • Implement the IRateLimitCounterStore interface:
public class RedisRateLimitCounterStore : IRateLimitCounterStore
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly IRateLimitCounterStore _memoryCacheStore;
    private readonly RedisOptions _redisOptions;
    private readonly ConnectionMultiplexer _redis;

    public RedisRateLimitCounterStore(
        IOptions<RedisOptions> redisOptions,
        IMemoryCache memoryCache,
        ILogger<RedisRateLimitCounterStore> logger)
        _logger = logger;
        _memoryCacheStore = new MemoryCacheRateLimitCounterStore(memoryCache);

        _redisOptions = redisOptions?.Value;
        _redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(_redisOptions.ConnectionString);

    private IDatabase RedisDatabase => _redis.GetDatabase();

    public async Task<bool> ExistsAsync(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

        return await TryRedisCommandAsync(
            () =>
                return RedisDatabase.KeyExistsAsync(id);
            () =>
                return _memoryCacheStore.ExistsAsync(id, cancellationToken);

    public async Task<RateLimitCounter?> GetAsync(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

        return await TryRedisCommandAsync(
            async () =>
                var value = await RedisDatabase.StringGetAsync(id);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RateLimitCounter?>(value);

                return null;
            () =>
                return _memoryCacheStore.GetAsync(id, cancellationToken);

    public async Task RemoveAsync(string id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

        _ = await TryRedisCommandAsync(
            async () =>
                await RedisDatabase.KeyDeleteAsync(id);

                return true;
            async () =>
                await _memoryCacheStore.RemoveAsync(id, cancellationToken);

                return true;

    public async Task SetAsync(string id, RateLimitCounter? entry, TimeSpan? expirationTime = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

        _ = await TryRedisCommandAsync(
            async () =>
                await RedisDatabase.StringSetAsync(id, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(entry.Value), expirationTime);

                return true;
            async () =>
                await _memoryCacheStore.SetAsync(id, entry, expirationTime, cancellationToken);

                return true;

    private async Task<T> TryRedisCommandAsync<T>(Func<Task<T>> command, Func<Task<T>> fallbackCommand)
        if (_redisOptions?.Enabled == true && _redis?.IsConnected == true)
                return await command();
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Redis command failed: {ex}");

        return await fallbackCommand();
  • Inject the distributed implementations:
// inject counter and rules distributed cache stores
services.AddSingleton<IClientPolicyStore, MemoryCacheClientPolicyStore>();
services.AddSingleton<IRateLimitCounterStore, RedisRateLimitCounterStore>();

Note: if you have dynamic client policies (new policies at runtime), you also need to implement the IClientPolicyStore if you want to use the same Redis ConnectionMultiplexer. Else you can use the MemoryCacheClientPolicyStore or the DistributedCacheClientPolicyStore configured as the example in Solution 1

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