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b/Project.toml index 81be596..ea13c1d 100644 --- a/Project.toml +++ b/Project.toml @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ [deps] +DataFrames = "a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0" Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4" +Glob = "c27321d9-0574-5035-807b-f59d2c89b15c" Literate = "98b081ad-f1c9-55d3-8b20-4c87d4299306" - +OdsIO = "56b0d19f-0a74-5872-92bc-f48f9c5431d4" diff --git a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0002_-_Program.md b/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0002_-_Program.md index 86b6f08..6b6a777 100644 --- a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0002_-_Program.md +++ b/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0002_-_Program.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ The slides used in the videos below are available [here](https://github.com/sylv ### 01 JULIA1: Basic Julia programming (5h:52:33) - Basic syntax elements (46:45) - [Part A - Introduction and setup of the environment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRv3vAmzHS8&list=PLDIpPSqVuMmK1poGUS7nuAXXILxHxmV2O&index=1) (8:37) - - [Part B - Comments, code organsation, Unicode support, broadcasting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SVA6woAq18&list=PLDIpPSqVuMmK1poGUS7nuAXXILxHxmV2O&index=2) (12:04) + - [Part B - Comments, code organisation, Unicode support, broadcasting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SVA6woAq18&list=PLDIpPSqVuMmK1poGUS7nuAXXILxHxmV2O&index=2) (12:04) - [Part C - Math operators, quotation marks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AVb-92QmPg&list=PLDIpPSqVuMmK1poGUS7nuAXXILxHxmV2O&index=3) (6:49) - [Part D - Missing values](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGlJlH1BbjM&list=PLDIpPSqVuMmK1poGUS7nuAXXILxHxmV2O&index=4) (10:04) - [Part E - Stochasticity in programming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi_a7YWA_j8&list=PLDIpPSqVuMmK1poGUS7nuAXXILxHxmV2O&index=5) (9:14) diff --git a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0003_-_Introduction_to_Julia.md b/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0003_-_Introduction_to_Julia.md index 74bc324..29167ac 100644 --- a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0003_-_Introduction_to_Julia.md +++ b/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0003_-_Introduction_to_Julia.md @@ -1,12 +1,8 @@ -TODO. Please refer to the videos. - -```@raw html - -``` \ No newline at end of file +TODO. Please refer to the videos above or to the slides. + +# An introduction to the Julia Programming Language + +## How to install Julia and git + +## Julia modules, packages and environments + diff --git a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0004_-_Introduction_to_ML.md b/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0004_-_Introduction_to_ML.md index 734523e..9edc1ea 100644 --- a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0004_-_Introduction_to_ML.md +++ b/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0004_-_Introduction_to_ML.md @@ -1 +1,6 @@ -TODO. Please refer to the videos. \ No newline at end of file +TODO. Please refer to the videos above or to the slides + + + +# An introduction to Machine Learning + diff --git a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0005_-_How_to_install_Julia_and_git.md b/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0005_-_How_to_install_Julia_and_git.md deleted file mode 100644 index 734523e..0000000 --- a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0005_-_How_to_install_Julia_and_git.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -TODO. Please refer to the videos. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0006_-_Modules_packages_and_environments.md b/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0006_-_Modules_packages_and_environments.md deleted file mode 100644 index 734523e..0000000 --- a/lessonsSources/00_-_INTRO_-_Introduction_julia_ml/0006_-_Modules_packages_and_environments.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -TODO. Please refer to the videos. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lessonsSources/assets/custom.css b/lessonsSources/assets/custom.css index 8e68bf1..db8e4d8 100644 --- a/lessonsSources/assets/custom.css +++ b/lessonsSources/assets/custom.css @@ -14,3 +14,8 @@ html.theme--documenter-light pre code { min-height: 300px; position: relative; } + +.ytb-container iframe.embed-responsive-item{ + width: 600px; + height: 300px; +} diff --git a/makedoc.jl b/makedoc.jl index f43c5dc..68b0105 100644 --- a/makedoc.jl +++ b/makedoc.jl @@ -28,15 +28,16 @@ Pkg.activate(".") #Pkg.resolve() Pkg.instantiate() -#Pkg.add(["Documenter", "Literate"]) +#Pkg.add(["Documenter", "Literate", "Glob", "DataFrames", "OdsIO"]) -using Documenter, Literate, Test +using Documenter, Literate, Test, Glob, DataFrames, OdsIO const LESSONS_ROOTDIR = joinpath(@__DIR__, "lessonsSources") # Important: If some lesson is removed but the md file is left, this may still be used by Documenter const LESSONS_ROOTDIR_TMP = joinpath(@__DIR__, "lessonsSources_tmp") +# Where to save the lessons before they are preprocessed LESSONS_SUBDIR = Dict( @@ -49,49 +50,6 @@ LESSONS_SUBDIR = Dict( ) -function preprocess(page,path) - - commentCode = """ - ```@raw html - - ``` - """ - addThisCode = """ - ```@raw html - - - ``` - """ - # https://crowdsignal.com/support/rating-widget/ - ratingCode1 = """ - ```@raw html -
- - ``` - """ - ratingCode2 = """ - ```@raw html - - ``` - """ - return string(page,"\n---------\n",ratingCode1,"\n---------\n",commentCode,"\n---------\n",ratingCode2) - #return string(page,"\n",addThisCode,"\n",ratingCode1,"\n",commentCode,"\n",ratingCode2) -end - # Utility functions..... @@ -133,6 +91,24 @@ function makeList(rootDir,subDirList) return outArray end +""" + rdir(string,match) + +Return a vector of all files (full paths) of a given directory recursivelly taht matches `match`, recursivelly. + +# example +filenames = getindex.(splitdir.(rdir(LESSONS_ROOTDIR,"*.jl")),2) #get all md filenames +""" +function rdir(dir::AbstractString, pat::Glob.FilenameMatch) + result = String[] + for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(dir) + append!(result, filter!(f -> occursin(pat, f), joinpath.(root, files))) + end + return result +end +rdir(dir::AbstractString, pat::AbstractString) = rdir(dir, Glob.FilenameMatch(pat)) + + function literate_directory(dir) # Removing old compiled md files... #for filename in filter(file -> endswith(file, ".md"), readdir(dir)) @@ -176,6 +152,93 @@ function literate_directory(dir) return nothing end +function preprocess(rootDir) + cd(@__DIR__) + Pkg.activate(".") + #rootDir = LESSONS_ROOTDIR + files = rdir(rootDir,"*.md") + videos = ods_read(joinpath(@__DIR__,"videosList.ods");sheetName="videos",retType="DataFrame") + for file in files + #file = files[4] + origContent = read(file,String) + outContent = "" + filename = splitdir(file)[2] + segmentVideos = videos[videos.host_filename .== filename,:] + if size(segmentVideos,1) > 0 + outContent *= """ + ```@raw html + Videos related to this segment (click the title to watch) + """ + for video in eachrow(segmentVideos) + #video = segmentVideos[1,:] + outContent *= """ +
$(video.lesson_short_name) - $(video.segment_id)$(video.part_id): $(video.part_name) ($(video.minutes):$(video.seconds)) +
+ +
+ """ + end # end of each video + outContent *= """ + ``` + ------ + """ + end # end of if there are videos + outContent *= origContent + if (filename != "index.md") + commentCode = """ + ```@raw html + + ``` + """ + addThisCode = """ + ```@raw html + + + ``` + """ + # https://crowdsignal.com/support/rating-widget/ + ratingCode1 = """ + ```@raw html +
+ + ``` + """ + ratingCode2 = """ + ```@raw html + + ``` + """ + outContent *= "\n---------\n" + outContent *= ratingCode1 + outContent *= "\n---------\n" + outContent *= commentCode + outContent *= ratingCode2 + end + #print(outContent) + #println(file) + write(file,outContent) + end # end for each file +end #end preprocess function + + + # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Saving the unmodified source to a temp directory cp(LESSONS_ROOTDIR, LESSONS_ROOTDIR_TMP; force=true) @@ -184,7 +247,7 @@ println("Starting literating tutorials (.jl --> .md)...") literate_directory.(map(lsubdir->joinpath(LESSONS_ROOTDIR ,lsubdir),values(LESSONS_SUBDIR))) println("Starting preprocessing markdown pages...") -# Preprocess here +preprocess(LESSONS_ROOTDIR) println("Starting making the documentation...") makedocs(sitename="SPMLJ",