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Releases: tamb/domponent

Default States

24 Oct 01:54
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You can now add default states to your class component and you can also merge in fields from the state derived from data-state and the default state of the component!

ES5 Version now standardized!

06 Oct 22:24
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There is now an ES5 version.

If using ES modules:

// production
import * from 'domponent/dist/domponent.production.es5.min.js'

// development
import * from 'domponent/dist/domponent.development.es5.min.js'

Using a CDN:

<script src="" defer></script>

Let's set the setState record straight

06 Oct 14:31
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I've cleaned up a bugfix where we call setState on component connection.

This was causing component methods to fire stateWillUpdate and stateDidUpdate straight away. Yay performance benefits!

Back By Zero Demand! ES5!!!!

30 Sep 21:13
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You can now use ES5 UMDs of the library with domponent/dist/domponent.es5.min.js or domponent/dist/

I made this to help people using Parcel or not using a bundler.

Up next I will be shipping out the ES5 version to CDNs!


Listen to The Roots

25 Sep 01:30
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The root element ($root) can now accept data-action events.
This allows you to not wrap your component in another element just to add an eventListener to the $root.

Group Them Refs!

14 Sep 01:38
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data-ref-array has now been added!
You, yes you, can easily create an array of specific elements within your component!

It's a mighty powerful feature! 💪

<div data-component="ButtonThing">
  <button data-ref-array="ButtonThing.button">thing1</button>
  <button data-ref-array="ButtonThing.button">thing2</button>
// inside component

this.button //  [buttonElement, buttonElement]


Toss Another Log on the Fire

06 Sep 19:01
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simply removed a console.log when unbinding events

Production Ho!

06 Sep 11:21
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Onward to the first production-ready version of Domponent 🎉 !

All the feedback I've received has been incredibly helpful and I can't thank you enough for your support!

Coming soon are some enhancements to the Demo site and some examples of components built with this framework!

🎷 Bop Jazz all around!

Release Candidate 1! Could she overtake Biden in the polls ????!

03 Sep 01:33
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🌍 Solid Release Candidate.
The first 1️⃣

Includes a ton of code samples and has undergone a bunch of smoke testing 🚬

Me thinks a production-ready version is mere days away.
I would consider this release stable.
Further improvements are:

  • better development code with helpful hints
  • more robust demo site
  • jest tests

These are close. Once I get them out the door it will be production-ready. Pending unit-testing, there should be no changes to any of the data API or any of the lifecycle methods!

Thanks for all the support!

Tell ya friends! 🤗

Beta, Don't Hurt Me... No More

30 Aug 02:31
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fixed a scoping issue with utility method.

But now we're all clear ;)