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SLSA Provenance


This doc includes instructions for how to configure a Tekton Pipeline/Task so that Tekton Chains can generate SLSA provenances properly.


  • SLSA: SLSA stands for Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts, or SLSA ("salsa"). It’s a security framework, a checklist of standards and controls to prevent tampering, improve integrity, and secure packages and infrastructure. It’s how you get from "safe enough" to being as resilient as possible, at any link in the chain. (source)
  • Attestation (in-toto attestation): An in-toto attestation is authenticated metadata about one or more software artifacts. The intended consumers are automated policy engines, such as in-toto-verify and Binary Authorization. There are a variety of attestations, and the type of attestation is determined by the predicate.
  • SLSA Provenance: SLSA Provenance is an attestation that a build platform generated to describe how an artifact or set of artifacts was produced.
  • Pipeline-level provenance: Provenance that Tekton Chains generates to cover the whole picture of the PipelineRun execution.
  • Task-level provenance: Provenance that Tekton Chains generates to only include the details of a particular TaskRun execution. It's particularly needed for a standalone TaskRun that is not spawned by a PipelineRun. By contrast, if it's a child TaskRun of a PipelineRun, Task-level provenance will miss the details of other TaskRuns within that Pipeline.
  • Input Artifacts: A canonical term used in this doc to refer to the artifacts that influenced the build process such as source code repository, dependencies and so on. It's mapped to resolvedDependences field in SLSA v1.0, and mapped to materials field in SLSA v0.1 & v0.2.
  • Output Artifacs: A canonical term used in this doc to refer to the artifacts that the build process produced i.e. an OCI image. This is mapped to Subjects field in all SLSA versions.
  • Results: Results are Tekton API fields that authors can use to emit some information after a TaskRun/PipelineRun is complete. Results can be used to pass along information to different tasks within a pipeline or aggregate different task results to a pipeline result. Check out Tekton official doc more information. Note: API result field is completely different from Tekton Results Operator.
  • Type hinting: Refer to specially named results/params that aim to enable Tekton Chains to understand the input artifacts and outputs of a PipelineRun/TaskRun.

How does Tekton Chains work?

Tekton Chains works by reconciling the run of a task or a pipeline. Once the run is observed as completed, Tekton Chains will take a snapshot of the completed TaskRun/PipelineRun, and start its core works in the order of formatting (generate provenance json) -> signing (sign the payload using the key configured by user) -> uploading (upload the provenance and its signature to the storage configured by user).

How to configure Tekton Chains

Tekton Chains supports both SLSA v0.2 and v1.0 provenance for both task-level and pipeline-level provenance.

The following shows the mapping between slsa version and formatter name.

SLSA Version Formatter Name
v1.0 slsa/v2alpha3 and slsa/v2alpha4
v0.2 slsa/v1 or in-toto

To configure Task-level provenance version

kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data":{"artifacts.taskrun.format": "slsa/v1"}}'

To configure Pipeline-level provenance version

kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='{"data":{"artifacts.pipelinerun.format": "slsa/v1"}}'

While Chains is able to generate both task-level and pipeline-level provenance at the same time, it's not recommended to upload both to a storage backend because it would be confusing to have 2 different provenances for the same artifact.
To disable Task-level provenance, simply config empty string "" as the storage backend

kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='> {"data":{"": ""}}'

To disable Pipeline-level provenance, simply config empty string "" as the storage backend

kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains -p='> {"data":{"": ""}}'

How to configure a Task or Pipeline

As mentioned in the Glossary, SLSA provenance describes the build process of a particular artifact being produced. While Tekton Chains is able to capture the build process regardless of how the pipeline was configured, it is mandatory to signal Chains what the output and input artifacts are in the pipeline config. The way to do that is through the type hinting.

  • Task-level Provenance: The type hinting carrying the references of input/output artifacts should be defined in the TaskSpec.
  • Pipeline-level Provenance: The type hinting carrying the references of input/output artifacts can be defined either:
    • in the PipelineSpec
    • in the TaskSpec. However, in this case, the feature flag artifacts.pipelinerun.enable-deep-inspection must be enabled to instruct Chains to dive deep into each child TaskRuns to look for type-hinting.

Type Hinting

Type hinting is a way to let Chains to understand the input and output artifacts throughout a PipelineRun. Chains expects different type hinting names for inputs and outputs. However, both input and output artifacts should have the uri and digest components, which is the common thing in the following type hinting list.

Input Artifacts

Input artifacts can be defined either in params or results using one of following options.

It's worth noting that the value for the digest component needs to be precise commit SHA. It can't be other mutable references i.e. tag, branch name and so on.

Git Results

In this approach, one can define the url of the source code repository and the precise commit sha digest in type hinting exactly named as CHAINS-GIT_URL and CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT respectively.

Example TaskRun
kind: TaskRun
  name: git-clone
      - name: url
        description: Repository URL to clone from.
        type: string
        default: ""
      - name: revision
        description: Revision to checkout. (branch, tag, sha, ref, etc...)
        type: string
        default: "main"
      - name: CHAINS-GIT_URL
        type: string
        description: The precise URL that was fetched by this Task.
      - name: CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT
        type: string
        description: The precise commit SHA that was fetched by this Task.
      - name: dummy-clone
        image: bash:latest
        script: |
          #!/usr/bin/env bash
          echo -n "" | tee $(results.CHAINS-GIT_URL.path)
          echo -n "7f2f46e1b97df36b2b82d1b1d87c81b8b3d21601" | tee $(results.CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT.path)

Note: This can be either params or results.

  • Param: To surface a git URL/commit as the input artifact, add a parameter named CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT and CHAINS-GIT_URL. The value of these parameters should be fed by some VCS task (e.g like this task) so that the reported url and revision are guaranteed to be the one that was fetched. A PipeLine example where another task checkout has URL/commit as task results:

    - name: build
        - name: CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT
          value: "$(tasks.checkout.results.commit)"
        - name: CHAINS-GIT_URL
          value: "$(tasks.checkout.results.url)"
  • Result: Alternatively, CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT and CHAINS-GIT_URL can be results instead. Another Pipeline example where results are used:

        - description: Repository URL used for buiding the image.
          name: CHAINS-GIT_URL
          value: $(tasks.checkout.results.url)
        - description: Repository commit used for building the image.
          name: CHAINS-GIT_COMMIT
          value: $(tasks.checkout.results.commit)
        - name: checkout


* indicates any expression

In this approach, one can group the url of the source code repository and the precise commit sha into a single object type hinting. The object type hinting only needs to have the suffix ARTIFACT_INPUTS and have the 2 keys exactly named as uri and digest. This is particularly useful if there are multiple input artifacts. For example, one object type hinting can be first_ARTIFACT_INPUTS and another one is second_ARTIFACT_INPUTS.


  • The digest component must be in the format of cryptographic hash algorithm name + : + a valid hex value i.e. "sha1:7f2f46e1b97df36b2b82d1b1d87c81b8b3d21601".
Example TaskRun
kind: TaskRun
  name: git-clone
      - name: url
        description: Repository URL to clone from.
        type: string
        default: ""
      - name: revision
        description: Revision to checkout. (branch, tag, sha, ref, etc...)
        type: string
        default: "main"
      - name: source_repo_ARTIFACT_INPUTS
        description: The source code repo artifact
        type: object
          uri: {}
          digest: {}
      - name: dummy-clone
        image: bash:latest
        script: |
          #!/usr/bin/env bash
          echo -n "{\"uri\":\"\", \"digest\":\"sha1:7f2f46e1b97df36b2b82d1b1d87c81b8b3d21601\"}" > $(results.source_repo_ARTIFACT_INPUTS.path)

Output Artifacts

Output artifacts should be defined in results only, using one of following options.


In this approach, one can write the url and digest of an output OCI artifact into 2 results that have same prefix, but the one for url has suffix IMAGE_URL and the one for digest has suffix IMAGE_DIGEST.


  • The IMAGE_URL component must be a valid container repository URL.
  • The IMAGE_DIGEST component must be in the format of cryptographic hash algorithm name + : + a valid hex value i.e. "sha256:586789aa031fafc7d78a5393cdc772e0b55107ea54bb8bcf3f2cdac6c6da51ee"
Example TaskRun
kind: TaskRun
  name: image-build
      - name: first-image-IMAGE_URL
        type: string
        description: The precise URL of the OCI image built.
      - name: first-image-IMAGE_DIGEST
        type: string
        description: The algorithm and digest of the OCI image built.
      - name: dummy-build
        image: bash:latest
        script: |
          #!/usr/bin/env bash
          echo -n "" | tee $(results.first-image-IMAGE_URL.path)
          echo -n "sha256:586789aa031fafc7d78a5393cdc772e0b55107ea54bb8bcf3f2cdac6c6da51ee" | tee $(results.first-image-IMAGE_DIGEST.path)


Multiple images can also be specified by using a single IMAGES Result. The value of the IMAGES result is a list of images, each qualified by digest. The list of images can be separated by commas or by newlines.

Example TaskRun
kind: TaskRun
  name: image-build
      - name: IMAGES
        description: The multiple image artifacts
        type: string
      - name: dummy-build
        image: bash:latest
        script: |
          #!/usr/bin/env bash
          echo -n "img1@sha256:digest1, img2@sha256:digest2" | tee $(results.IMAGES.path)


Similar to option 1 - IMAGE_URL and IMAGE_DIGEST, but just with different names.


In this approach, one can group the url and digest of the output artifact a single object result. The object result only needs to have the suffix ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS and have the 2 keys exactly named as uri and digest. This is particularly useful if there are multiple artifacts produced throughout a task. For example, one object type hinting can be first_ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS and another one is second_ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS.


  • The digest component must be in the format of cryptographic hash algorithm name + : + a valid hex value i.e. "sha256:586789aa031fafc7d78a5393cdc772e0b55107ea54bb8bcf3f2cdac6c6da51ee".
Example TaskRun
kind: TaskRun
  name: image-build
      - name: first-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS
        description: The first artifact built
        type: object
          uri: {}
          digest: {}
      - name: dummy-build
        image: bash:latest
        script: |
          #!/usr/bin/env bash
          echo -n "{\"uri\":\"\", \"digest\":\"sha256:586789aa031fafc7d78a5393cdc772e0b55107ea54bb8bcf3f2cdac6c6da51ee\"}" > $(results.first-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS.path)

v2alpha4 formatter

Starting with version v2alpha4, the type-hinted object results value now can include a new boolean flag called isBuildArtifact. When set to true, this flag indicates the output artifact should be considered as subject in the executed TaskRun/PipelineRun.

The isBuildArtifact can be set in results whose type-hint uses the *ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS format. Results using the IMAGES and *IMAGE_URL / *IMAGE_DIGEST type-hint format will still be considered as subject automatically; all other results will be clasified as byProduct

For instance, in the following TaskRun:

kind: TaskRun
  name: image-build
      - name: first-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS
        description: The first artifact built
        type: object
          uri: {}
          digest: {}
      - name: second-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS
        description: The second artifact built
        type: object
          uri: {}
          digest: {}
          isBuildArtifact: {}
      - name: third-IMAGE_URL
        type: string
      - name: third-IMAGE_DIGEST
        type: string

      - name: IMAGES
        type: string
      - name: dummy-build
        image: bash:latest
        script: |
          echo -n "{\"uri\":\"\", \"digest\":\"sha256:586789aa031fafc7d78a5393cdc772e0b55107ea54bb8bcf3f2cdac6c6da51ee\"}" > $(results.first-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS.path)

          echo -n "{\"uri\":\"\", \"digest\":\"sha256:05f95b26ed10668b7183c1e2da98610e91372fa9f510046d4ce5812addad86b5\", \"isBuildArtifact\":\"true\"}" > $(results.second-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS.path)

          echo -n "" | tee $(results.third-IMAGE_URL.path)
          echo -n "sha256:05f95b26ed10668b7183c1e2da98610e91372fa9f510046d4ce5812addad86b6" | tee $(results.third-IMAGE_DIGEST.path)

          echo -n "," | tee $(results.IMAGES.path)

second-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS, third-IMAGE_URL/third-IMAGE_DIGEST, and IMAGES will be considered as subject. first-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS doesn't specify isBuildArtifact: true so it is not count as subject.

Chains' v2alpha4 formatter now automatically reads type-hinted results from StepActions associated to the executed TaskRun/PipelineRun; users no longer need to manually surface these results from the StepActions when the appropriate type hints are in place. PipelineRuns require artifacts.pipelinerun.enable-deep-inspection: true for this functionality to work. For instance, with the following TaskRun:

kind: StepAction
  name: img-builder
  image: busybox:glibc

    - name: first-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS
      description: The first artifact built
      type: object
        uri: {}
        digest: {}
        isBuildArtifact: {}

    - name: second-IMAGE_URL
      type: string
    - name: second-IMAGE_DIGEST
      type: string

  script: |
    echo -n "{\"uri\":\"\", \"digest\":\"sha256:586789aa031fafc7d78a5393cdc772e0b55107ea54bb8bcf3f2cdac6c6da51ee\", \"isBuildArtifact\": \"true\" }" > $(step.results.first-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS.path)

    echo -n "" > $(step.results.second-IMAGE_URL.path)
    echo -n "sha256:05f95b26ed10668b7183c1e2da98610e91372fa9f510046d4ce5812addad86b6" > $(step.results.second-IMAGE_DIGEST.path)
kind: TaskRun
  name: taskrun
      - name: action-runner
          name: img-builder

Chains Will read first-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS and second-IMAGE_URL/second-IMAGE_DIGEST from the StepAction and clasify them as a subject.

Besides inputs/outputs

Tekton Chains is also able to capture the feature flags being used for Tekton Pipelines controller and the origin of the build configuration file with immutable references such as task.yaml and pipeline.yaml. However, those fields in Tekton Pipelines are gated by a dedicated feature flag. Therefore, the feature flag needs to be enabled to let Tekton Pipelines controller to populate these fields.

kubectl patch -n tekton-pipelines configmap feature-flags -p '{"data":{"enable-provenance-in-status":"true"}}'