Torch-RGCN is a PyTorch implementation of the RGCN, originally proposed by Schlichtkrull et al. in
Modeling Relational Data with Graph Convolutional Networks.
In our paper, we reproduce the link prediction and node classification experiments from the original paper and using our reproduction we explain the RGCN. Furthermore, we present two new configurations of the RGCN.
- Conda >= 4.8
- Python >= 3.7
Do the following:
Download all datasets:
Install the dependencies inside a new virtual environment:
Activate the virtual environment:
conda activate torch_rgcn_venv
Install the torch-RGCN module:
pip install -e .
The hyper-parameters for the different experiments can be found in YAML files under
configs. The naming convention of the files is as follows: configs/{MODEL}/{EXPERIMENT}-{DATASET}.yaml
- Standard RGCN Modelc-rgcn
- Compression RGCN Modele-rgcn
- Embedding RGCN Model
- Link Predictionnc
- Node Classification
Original Link Prediction Implementation:
To run the link prediction experiment using the RGCN model using:
python experiments/ with configs/rgcn/lp-{DATASET}.yaml
Make sure to replace {DATASET}
with one of the following dataset names: FB-toy
or WN18
Original Node Classification Implementation:
To run the node classification experiment using the RGCN model using:
python experiments/ with configs/rgcn/nc-{DATASET}.yaml
Make sure to replace {DATASET}
with one of the following dataset names: AIFB
or AM
To run the node classification experiment use:
python experiments/ with configs/e-rgcn/nc-{DATASET}.yaml
Make sure to replace {DATASET}
with one of the following dataset names: AIFB
or AM
To run the link prediction experiment use:
python experiments/ with configs/c-rgcn/lp-{DATASET}.yaml
Make sure to replace {DATASET}
with one of the following dataset names: FB-toy
, or WN18
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