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RationalJ is a lightweight Java library for rational number arithmetic. It is lightweight because it has no external dependencies and as of now only consists of a single class.

The library manages rational numbers using arbitrary integer precision for numerators and denominators. RationalJ internally uses BigInteger, therefore the maximum magnitude for numerators and denominators is 2^2147483647-1, which is indeed big.

Rational numbers are implemented by the class Rational, which extends Number. Like for Integer, BigInteger and BigDecimal (and other number classes), instances of Rational are immutable. Thus, operations on Rationals do not modify them but return Rationals or other types (like BigInteger or int) as results. Rational implements most of the arithmetic methods offered by BigInteger. It does not implement any of the bitwise operations or prime number methods that BigInteger offers.

Upon creation, Rationals are automatically brought into canonical form:

  • numerators and denominators are always made coprime (making the Rational fully reduced)
  • if denominators are negative, the signs of the numerators and denominators are switched so that the sign is in the numerator
  • zero uses a numerator of 0 and a denominator of 1

Therefore, two Rationals are equal if and only if their numerators are equal and their denominators are equal. Working in canonical form makes sure that computations use smaller numbers and allows for certain optimizations.

Rational offers no public constructors to allow minimizing the amount of instances created by being able to return Rationals from a pool of constants. Instead, Rationals are retrieved via Rational.of(...).

Issues can be reported here.

Suggestions, ideas and feedback are welcome!

Author: Thomas Schuerger ([email protected])


RationalJ is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See file LICENSE for details.


Java 8 or later is required. The library would also work with Java 5, but the unit tests currently require Java 8.

Maven 3.6.0 or later is required for building the library.


No external dependencies are required.


The changelog is maintained in the file


⚠️ This documentation is based on the latest released version. Unreleased versions may differ.

Creating Rationals

Arbitrary Rationals can be created as follows:

  • Rational.of(int numerator, int denominator)
  • Rational.of(long numerator, long denominator)
  • Rational.of(BigInteger numerator, BigInteger denominator)
  • Rational.of(String string) (using "<numerator>/<denominator>", e.g. "-431/214", "<integer-part>.<fractional-part>, e.g. "-3.14159265", or "<integer-part>.<fractional-part>_<repeating-fractional-part>", e.g. "1._3" representing 4/3)
  • Rational.ofReciprocal(int denominator) - Rational
  • Rational.ofReciprocal(long denominator) - Rational
  • Rational.ofReciprocal(BigInteger denominator) - Rational
  • Rational.ofContinuedFraction(BigInteger... integers) - Rational

Integer Rationals can be created as follows:

  • Rational.of(int integer)
  • Rational.of(long integer)
  • Rational.of(BigInteger integer)
  • Rational.of(String string) (using "<integer>", e.g. "247")

Random Rationals can be created as follows:

  • Rational.random(int bits)
  • Rational.random(int bits, Random random)

Methods on Rationals


  • numerator() - BigInteger
  • denominator() - BigInteger

Unary operators

  • negate() - Rational
  • reciprocal() - Rational
  • redouble() - Rational
  • halve() - Rational
  • square() - Rational
  • signum() - int
  • abs() - Rational
  • floor() - Rational
  • ceil() - Rational
  • round() - Rational

Binary operators

  • add(Rational other) - Rational
  • subtract(Rational other) - Rational
  • multiply(Rational other) - Rational
  • divide(Rational other) - Rational
  • divideInteger(Rational other) - BigInteger
  • divideIntegerAndRemainder(Rational other) - Number[] {BigInteger, Rational}
  • mod(Rational other) - Rational
  • pow(int power) - Rational
  • gcd(Rational other) - Rational
  • lcm(Rational other) - Rational
  • min(Rational other) - Rational
  • max(Rational other) - Rational


  • isInteger() - boolean
  • isNegationOf(Rational other) - boolean
  • isReciprocalOf(Rational other) - boolean


  • intValue() - int
  • longValue() - long
  • floatValue() - float
  • doubleValue() - double
  • toInteger() - BigInteger
  • toDecimal() - BigDecimal
  • toDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode) - BigDecimal
  • toContinuedFraction() - BigInteger[]


RationalJ's Javadoc is available here.


Clone the repository

Clone the repository via

git clone


The master branch contains the newest version, which is usually the newest unreleased version. Versions are tagged with "v", e.g. "v1.0.0".

Show all released versions:

git tag

Switch to a released version:

git checkout <tag>

Switch to the newest (unreleased) version:

git checkout master


RationalJ requires Maven 3.2.5 or higher for building.


mvn clean install

to build RationalJ and install it into your local Maven repository.


mvn clean install -DskipTests

to do the same, but skipping the execution of unit tests.





implementation 'com.schuerger.math:rationalj:1.4.0'


Approximate e

The following Java code calculates a rational approximation to Euler's number e, summing the first 100 terms of the usual infinite series:

Rational sum = Rational.ZERO;
Rational invFactorial = Rational.ONE;

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    sum = sum.add(invFactorial);
    invFactorial = invFactorial.divide(Rational.of(i + 1));

System.out.println(sum + " = " + sum.toDecimal());


31710869445015912176908843526535027555643447320787267779096898248431156738548305814867560678144006224158425966541000436701189187481211772088720561290395499/11665776930493019085212404857033337561339496033047702683574120486902199999153739451117682997019564785781712240103402969781398151364608000000000000000000000 = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999595749669676277240766303535475945713821785251664274

Determine the Egyptian fraction expansion of a rational number

// every positive rational number can be expressed as a finite sum of distinct unit fractions
// (fractions of the form 1/n); for example: 9/11 = 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/15 + 1/660

// the following will find a sequence of distinct unit fractions that sums to a positive
// target rational

// we do this by keeping a sum of unit fractions and in each iteration we find the largest
// unused unit fraction that does not let the sum exceed the target; this must eventually
// end, but the denominators can grow very big when close to the target

// naturally, the first x summands are from the partial sum of the Harmonic series,
// where x is floor(e^(target-gamma)-1/2) with gamma being the Euler-Mascheroni constant

Rational target = Rational.of(157, 145);
Rational diffToTarget = target;
Rational sum = Rational.ZERO;
BigInteger k = BigInteger.ZERO;

do {
    // increase k to the smallest k' > k such that sum + 1/k' <= target, but at least by 1
    Rational x = diffToTarget.reciprocal();
    BigInteger kprime = x.isInteger() ? x.toInteger() : x.toInteger().add(BigInteger.ONE);
    k = kprime.compareTo(k) <= 0 ? k.add(BigInteger.ONE) : kprime;

    sum = sum.add(Rational.ofReciprocal(k));
    diffToTarget = target.subtract(sum);

    System.out.printf("k: %22d  sum: %32.30f %s%n", k, sum.toDecimal(), sum);
} while (diffToTarget.signum() > 0);


k:                    1  sum: 1.000000000000000000000000000000 1
k:                   13  sum: 1.076923076923076923076923076923 14/13
k:                  172  sum: 1.082737030411449016100178890877 2421/2236
k:                46318  sum: 1.082758620290113898003542593973 56069057/51783524
k:           2502870327  sum: 1.082758620689655172360582026803 140333579079955163/129607445647092348
k: 18793079618828390460  sum: 1.082758620689655172413793103448 157/145

Now we know that 157/145 = 1/1 + 1/13 + 1/172 + 1/46318 + 1/2502870327 + 1/18793079618828390460.


Shouldn't the class be called BigRational instead of Rational?

BigRational would indeed have been a better name to match the other Big* classes, but only if there were already a class called Rational working with smaller number types. Since there isn't, the shorter name was chosen.