returns Object
when Object
has at least one key. Otherwise returns never
const createNonEmptyObject = <TObject extends Record<string, unknown>>(obj: NonEmptyObject<TObject>) => obj;
// error: Argument of type '{}' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'
const emptyObject = createNonEmptyObject({});
// ^^
const nonEmptyObject = createNonEmptyObject({ age: 29 });
// ^? { age: number }
It's handy to use it with PickProperties
and OmitProperties
interface UserInformation {
birthday: Date;
email: string;
id: string;
name: string;
happyBirthday: () => void;
hello: () => void;
type NumericUserFields = NonEmptyObject<PickProperties<UserInformation, number>>;
// ^? never
type SpecificUserFields = NonEmptyObject<OmitProperties<UserInformation, Date | Primitive>>;
// ^? { happyBirthday: () => void; hello: () => void; }
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