nginx is the recommended web server to use when deploying a new ie2 instance.
ie2 supports both PHP version 5.4 and 7.1. It is recommended you use the latest version of PHP (7.1), however.
Install the following packages:
- php7.1
- php7.1-mcrypt
- php7.1-mysql
Install the following packages:
- php5
- php5-mcrypt
- php5-mysql
Composer is a package manager for PHP. We use this to bundle up our dependencies, to keep our repository pretty light.
git clone /var/www/ie2 && cd /var/www/ie2 && composer install --no-dev
cp dot.env .env
- For more information on the configuration variables, please see this wiki page
./app/Console/cake engine install
rm -rf /var/www/html && ln -s /var/www/ie2/public /var/www/html
Attempt to login to your newly deployed ie2 instance on your web server, using the credentials from step #6. Once you login, please follow the Admin Guide from here.