MambaGlue 🐍 @ICRA2025
Fast and Robust Local Feature Matching With Mamba
Kihwan Ryoo · Hyungtae Lim · Hyun Myung
MambaGlue is a hybrid neural network combining the Mamba and the Transformer architectures to match local features.
Main branch includes the standard MambaGlue model. Thanks to CVG Lab, you can easily train and evaluate the model and visualize the results on glue-factory branch and hloc branch.
🎯 Training and Evaluation (glue-factory branch)
Using Glue Factory, set MambaGlue for a matcher model and train MambaGlue with any local features on your own or open-sourced dataset! It will take about 1 week for one trial. Additionally, you can evaluate its performance compared with other baseline models on benchmarks such as HPatches and MegaDepth.
🪄 Visualization and Evaluation (hloc branch)
Using Hierarchical-Localization, set MambaGlue for a matcher model and run MambaGlue for Structure-from-Motion and visual localization!
- Linux (UBUNTU 20.04)
- NVIDIA GPU (TITAN V || RTX 3080 || other Ampere architectures)
- CUDA 11.8
- PyTorch 2.1.0
- Python 3.8
Install MambaGlue:
git clone && cd mamba
pip install .
cd ..
git clone && cd MambaGlue
python -m pip install -e .
You can set up the environment starting from our docker image or PyTorch official docker image.
- Release demo code
- Update branches
title={{MambaGlue: Fast and Robust Local Feature Matching With Mamba}},
author={Ryoo, Kihwan and
Lim, Hyungtae and
Myung, Hyun},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.00462},
The MambaGlue code provided in this repository is released under the Apache-2.0 license.