Benchmarking Cryptographic alogorithms on ESP8266 Arduino- AES-128,192,256, CHACHA, CHACHA Poly, Speck, Speck Tiny, Etc.....
In this project, the focus is to provide an experimental benchmark study that shows the cost (e.g., processing time of encryption and decryption algorithms) of applying different security protocols on restricted devices equipped with lightweight Arduino ESP8266 sensor platform.
Authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD): ChaChaPoly
Block ciphers: AES128, AES192,AES256
Stream ciphers:ChaCha
Message authenticators: Poly1305
Random number generation:RNG
Authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD): ASCON, ACRON
Block ciphers: Speck,SpeckSmall,SpeckTiny