This is my personal configuration for nix home manager
I'm using MacOs. This config could be easily migrated to anything nix supports.
- Clone this repo
- Install homebrew
- Install packages via brew
brew bundle
It's used only for karabiner and alacritty as nix installation for them is either complicated/brittle.
Install home-manager
Run the initial setup which will build all the derivations which may take a while.
- Override home manager dir with this repo and install packages in this nix flake
Make sure to update username & home path in flake.nix
homeConfigurations.vaporif =
home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
inherit pkgs;
modules = [
home = {
username = "vaporif";
homeDirectory = "/Users/vaporif";
stateVersion = "24.05";
and nvim lazy-lock path in nvim/init.lua
lockfile = '/Users/vaporif/.config/home-manager/nvim/lazy-lock.json',
home-manager switch