Contributions are encouraged and welcome. Contributions can take place in many forms:
- modifying/reading code
- adding features
- adding comments
- making code cleaner/more readable/performant
- reviewing the codebase
- finding and reporting bugs
- updating documentation
- spreading the word about typecheck.macro
- suggesting ideas/strategies
- other forms I haven't thought of
There are contributor friendly issues in the Github issues section.
This project uses pnpm, which has an almost identical api to npm.
To get the codebase:
- Git clone the repository
npx pnpm add -g pnpm
pnpm install
typecheck.macro works by generating "type IR" (tir). tir is just JSON that represents a typescript type. tir is then used to generate a validation Javascript validation function. But tir could also be used to generate JSON schema/Open API/wasm/whatever.
Since tir is just JSON, it can be serialized to/from text/the disk with the builtin JSON.stringify
turns tir into a JS function that validates the given type. The code generator exploits the fact that any block of code can be turned into an expression by wrapping it in an IIFE.
Any fixes/changes should probably result in a new test.
There are 3 types of tests:
- compile error tests that make sure the macro gives good error messages if the user does something undefined
- ir tests that generate type ir and ensure there are no unexpected changes to the output
- exec tests that generate a validator and execute it against some predefined inputs
You can run all tests with pnpm run test
You can run a specific test with pnpm run test -- --match="<test-name>"
, where "test-name" is the name of the folder (if compile or ir test) or file (if exec test) that you want to run. Note that all exec tests are prefixed with "exec-" and you shouldn't include the ".ts" extension when specifying the exec test name.
Look at the scratchpad for a useful tool for playing with the macro.