Really really (really?) tiny backend that mocks JSON responses!
Developing application that needs third-party servers to work properly is very painful (configuration, need to be online, server down, backend feature not implemented yet, ...). Here is a very straightforward solution to fake all that servers and make them answer what you want.
All you need is Docker and the JSON file the server needs to response.
docker run -d -p 80 -v /stuff/data.json:/data.json vpusher/mockend
The JSON file may directly contain the response that need to be served:
"spoil": "on",
"braceyourself": true
Or, it may also describe the responses by endpoints:
"/": {
"name": "GOT"
"/daenerys": {
"name": "Targaryen",
"fire_resistance": true,
"lives": 1
"/jon": {
"name": "Snow",
"ice_resistance": true,
"lives": 2
Create a new Dockerfile and start from vpusher/mockend
base image:
FROM vpusher/mockend
COPY got.json /data.json
instruction to add your custom json data file under/data.json
To finish, build and run:
docker build -t mockend-got .
docker run -d -p 80 mockend-got
Now you are free from any third-party servers. Go work offline !