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Batch job to sync usage data from the Exoscale and Cloudscale API to Odoo16.

Metrics are collected based on metered billing data flow

See the documentation for more information.

APPUiO Cloud vs APPUiO Managed

The tool operates in 2 modes - APPUiO Cloud and APPUiO Managed. The mode is decided by the environment variable APPUIO_MANAGED_SALES_ORDER. If the sales order is set, the tool assumes that the whole cluster is APPUiO Managed thus changing the business logic accordingly.

Getting started for developers

In order to run this tool, you need

  • Access to the Exoscale and Cloudscale accounts which has the services to be invoiced
  • Access to the Kubernetes cluster which has the claims corresponding to the Exoscale services
  • Access to Odoo16 where to send the metrics data

Get all this (see below), and put it all into an 'env' file:

export EXOSCALE_API_KEY="..."
export ODOO_URL="..."
export CLUSTER_ID="..."

Then source the env file and run the client:

$ . ./env
$ make build

Then, run one of the available commands:

  • Exoscale DBaaS:
$ ./billing-collector-cloudservices exoscale dbaas

Create Resources in Lab Cluster to test metrics collector

You can first connect to your cluster and then create a claim for Postgres Database by applying a claim, for example:

kind: ExoscalePostgreSQL
  namespace: default
  name: exoscale-postgres-lab-test-1
      plan: hobbyist-2
    name: postgres-connection-details

Once the database is created and Ready, you can run locally the command with the required env variables:

$ ./billing-collector-cloudservices exoscale dbaas

The same works for other resources. Just apply the right claim and run the proper command.

And don't forget to delete the resource(s) you created once you're done testing.

Exoscale API key and secret

You can get your Exoscale API key and secret from the Exoscale web UI. Be sure to select the correct project.

The token should be restricted to the 'sos' and 'dbaas' services.

Integration tests

Integration tests create an envtest cluster and export the metrics locally. This is all automated when running:

$ make test-integration

To run integration tests in your IDE of choice, be sure to set build tag integration and the following env variables:

# path to directory where the respective go modules are installed. You can also specify the path to the local clone of the respective repositories.
EXOSCALE_CRDS_PATH="$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' -m"
CLOUDSCALE_CRDS_PATH="$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' -m"

# make sure to run make target `test-integration` first to have everything setup correctly.
KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS="$(/path/to/billing-collector-cloudservices/.work/bin/setup-envtest --bin-dir "/path/to/billing-collector-cloudservices/.work/bin" use -i -p path '1.24.x!')"