repository | title |
GLVis/glvis |
GLVis/glvis |
The Contributor Friendliness Assessment (CFA) makes an effort to assess a software project for contributor friendliness.
- GitHub repository has logo, graphics, or other decoration
- Documentation has logo, graphics, or other decoration.
- Number of stars at least 50
- Number of forks at least 50
- GitHub repository description (modified with "edit" button) is filled in.
- The description is also provided at the top of the
- Clearly states similar projects, competitors, prior art, etc.
- Use cases are clearly stated in the
- The project does not use domain-specific jargon, but if it does, it is clearly explained or offers references.
- The GitHub repository has a clear license
- The license is an OSI-approved license
- The documentation or states how to build or install the software.
- The project uses an established build framework or strategy
- Requirements or dependencies are clearly stated.
- The software can quickly output a version.
- The has one or more examples of usage.
- The documentation has an expanded set of examples (e.g., tutorials)
- The project has a clear link to documentation
- GitHub repository metadata has link to documentation
- Number of clicks to getting started guide (from repository)
- The documentation has a getting started guide
- The documentation has a process for contributing, or a contributor guide.
- The documentation renders in a web interface for a more user-friendly exploration.
- Documentation renders from a readable, plain-text format
- Documentation is served in version control alongside the source code.
- Different versions of documentation for various releases are available.
- A support contact or email is provided.
- The user is not required to join a mailing list or slack (but they may be options)
- The project has issue templates to help the user submitting a new issue.
- The project has a CHANGELOG and/or provides changes in release notes.
- The project provides a pull request template to guide the developer through steps.
- A container is provided for quick usage/interaction.
- Naming of variables, classes, and functions is easy to understand.
- The code is robustly commented.
- Files and directories are organized meaningfully.
- The repository has tests.
- The documentation states how to run the tests.
- The tests are run with continuous integration.
- Tests verify successful build and installation.
- The repository reports code coverage.
- The coverage is >= 90 %
- The documentation states how to lint and check formatting.
- Tests checks for formatting.
- The project has been presented at one or more conferences.
- The project has been published in a journal.
- The project has a social media handle or account.