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chore: publish an up-to-date go library #1271
As discussed over discord, we are not releasing go-waku as the only consumer is status-go and we directly select the commit that we want to use. As a work-around you can get latest master of go-waku by below command
I get another error - I will come back to Waku support after you release a new library based off the nim build, like you said you were working on. EDIT: I subscribed to receiving notifications upon a new GitHub release. So shall that happen, you'll see me again ;o |
That might be a separate repo based out of https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku What is the error you are facing? Maybe I can help address it for you to proceed. |
I get this error:
This is my main.go: package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a logger with contextual fields
log := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, nil)).With(
slog.String("app", "our-app-name"),
slog.String("env", "production"),
// TODO: load private key
wakuNode, err := node.New(node.WithLightPush() /*, node.WithPrivateKey(prvKey) */)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Exiting: error while loading new Waku node", err)
if err := wakuNode.Start(context.Background()); err != nil {
log.Error("Exiting: error while starting Waku node", err)
// TODO: more content topics, better typing descriptions
cTopic, err := protocol.NewContentTopic("myapp", "1", "messagetype", "proto")
if err != nil {
log.Error("Exiting: invalid contentTopic", err)
contentTopic := cTopic.String()
msg := &pb.WakuMessage{
Payload: []byte("Hello World"),
Version: proto.Uint32(1),
ContentTopic: contentTopic,
Timestamp: utils.GetUnixEpoch(),
msgId, err := wakuNode.Lightpush().Publish(context.Background(), msg)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", msgId)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error while pushing message to Waku", err)
} My go.mod: module github.com/zkorum/agora/services/broadcast
go 1.23.2
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) So there will be a new repo with the go library derived from https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku ? It won't be published in this repo or in https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku ? |
Btw, our backend is in NodeJS, so I'd rather broadcast the data using js-waku, but I think it's only for browser environments? |
Ah, that error occurs because you did not replace go-ethereum
can you add the above line to your go.mod and let me know if you still face the error? |
looks like this will be the go library repo that uses nwaku https://github.com/waku-org/waku-go-bindings |
I just subscribed to receive a notification whenever a release occurs!
Oh yes, I did not replace go-ethereum. Out of curiosity, what is go-ethereum needed for btw? Thank you so much for your patience and for your prompt help 🙏 |
I tried go-waku by adding it to my go project with
go get github.com/waku-org/go-waku
, but it loadsv0.9.0
which dates back to 2023, while the latest commit is 3 days ago.Besides, this old version contains an old version of quic-go that was not compatible with the latest version of go (1.23.2):
Could you publish the latest version or at least explain how I can do so? Currently the documentation does not reflect that the library is out of date: https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/blob/master/docs/api/lightpush.md
Acceptance criteria
go get github.com/waku-org/go-waku
should import the latest version of the source code, not a version from more than a year ago.The documentation on library usage should be in sync with the status of the codebase.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: