A redesigned phpVMS Module modified to allow pilots to select their own aircraft prior to booking a flight.
NOTE: Deprecated Repository, see updated version => https://github.com/web541/phpVMS-FltbookSystem-v2
NOTICE: Majority of the code has originated from it's owners on the phpvms forums and has been compiled by Web541
FrontSchedules - Simpilot
RealScheduleLite - Simpilot
FlightBookingSystem - Parkho
I Do not own any code from the above and all code provided by them belongs to their respective owners.
To work the airlines, please go into all your aircraft and select an airline from the dropdown then click save. For all schedules that need to be imported, add a fake aircraft with the registration of the following format AIRCRAFTICAOAIRLINE So for all schedules with American Airlines B738, you would make a dummy aircraft called B738AAL and then when importing schedules from your CSV, put B738AAL for your aircraft column.
Backup all necessary files. I take no responsibility for you losing your files.
Place all the files in their respective directory. Upload the fltbook.sql file to your sql database via phpmyadmin or similar
Place this in your local.config.php file located in your core/ directory
Config::Set('JUMPSEAT_COST', '.25');
Change 25 to your Jumpseat Cost per nautical mile (nm)
Go to action.php (in phpVMS Root Directory) and find this line:
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
and replace it with this line (temp fix to avoid strict standards):
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED);
If you would like to show each airline image on the results page, save an image in the directory of lib/images/airlinelogos/ICAO.png The ICAO is the $airline->code. If you want to remove it, go into Fltbook/schedule_results and find these lines
<td width="16.5%" align="left" valign="middle"><img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/images/airlinelogos/<?php echo $route->code;?>.png" alt="<?php echo $route->code;?>"></td>
And simply delete them