这篇综述也是不错的 http://huoding.com/2016/08/18/531#comment-386419 http://www.brendangregg.com/blog/2015-07-08/choosing-a-linux-tracer.html
- sysdig
- ftrace
- LTTng
- perf_events
- systemtap
- eBPF
It has been abanoned. see the creater announcement
##Java profile
- System profilers: like Linux perf, which shows system code paths (eg, JVM GC, syscalls, TCP), but not Java methods.
- JVM profilers: like hprof, LJP, and commercial profilers. These show Java methods, but usually not system code paths.
实现 Java 火焰图的两个问题:
- The JVM compiles methods on the fly (just-in-time: JIT), and doesn't expose a traditional symbol table for system profilers to read.
- The JVM also uses the frame pointer register (RBP on x86-64) as a general purpose register, breaking traditional stack walking.
- A JVMTI agent, perf-map-agent, which can provide a Java symbol table for perf to read (/tmp/perf-PID.map).
- Patching JDK hotspot to reintroduce the frame pointer register, which allows full stack walking.
ubuntu 下
$ cat /proc/latency_stats
Latency Top version : v0.1
$ sudo apt-get install latencytop
Redhat 由于没有打开编译选项, 需要自己编译. 安装很简单.