Cross-platform Python wrapper for text-to-speech synthesis
As you can probably tell, I have not had time or in some cases the resources (e.g., specific versions of OSes) to maintain pyttsx very well for some time now. If you are using pyttsx in your day to day work and would like to take over as maintainer of the project, please let me know.
import pyttsx engine = pyttsx.init() engine.say('Greetings!') engine.say('How are you today?') engine.runAndWait()
See for documentation of the full API.
- nsss - NSSpeechSynthesizer on Mac OS X 10.5 and higher
- sapi5 - SAPI5 on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and (untested) Windows 7
- espeak - eSpeak on any distro / platform that can host the shared library (e.g., Ubuntu / Fedora Linux)
Email the author if you have wrapped or are interested in wrapping another text-to-speech engine for use with pyttsx.
- Python Package Index for downloads (
- GitHub site for source, bugs, and q&a (
- ReadTheDocs for docs ( - espeak in a 16.5 MB Docker container with a simple REST API
Copyright (c) 2009, 2013 Peter Parente All rights reserved.