From e2a6c60290c3e71063d1cb16f63736ce410b46e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Pieters
If name is bgsound
, blink
, isindex
- multicol
, nextid
, or spacer
, then return
- HTMLUnknownElement
If name is applet
, bgsound
, blink
+ isindex
, multicol
, nextid
, or spacer
, then
+ return HTMLUnknownElement
If name is acronym
, basefont
, big
, nobr
, noembed
, noframes
@@ -78540,10 +78537,10 @@ callback FrameRequestCallback = void (DOMHighResTimeStampwindow's child browsing context name property set,
content attribute for all a
- applet
, area
, embed
, form
- frameset
, img
, and object
elements in window's
- browsing context's active document that have a non-empty name
content attribute, andarea
, embed
, form
, frameset
+ img
, and object
elements in window's browsing
+ context's active document that have a non-empty name
+ content attribute, and
content attribute of any HTML element in window's browsing context's active
@@ -78603,9 +78600,9 @@ callback FrameRequestCallback = void (DOMHighResTimeStampchild browsing contexts of the active
document whose name is name,a
, applet
, area
, embed
- form
, frameset
, img
, or object
elements that
- have a name
content attribute whose value is name, ora
, area
, embed
, form
+ frameset
, img
, or object
elements that have a name
content attribute whose value is name, orid
content attribute
whose value is name.embed
element, the object
element, the applet
element, or through the object
element, or through navigation of a nested browsing context, unless
those plugins can be secured.
@@ -109514,10 +109510,6 @@ legend {
elements are expected to be treated as ordinary elements in the rendering
- An applet
element that represents a plugin is expected
- to be treated as a replaced element. Other applet
elements are expected
- to be treated as ordinary elements in the rendering model.
The audio
element, when it is exposing a user interface, is expected to be treated as a
replaced element about one line high, as wide as is necessary to expose the user
@@ -109680,66 +109672,62 @@ img[align=right i] { margin-left: 3px; }
iframe[frameborder=0], iframe[frameborder=no i] { border: none; }
-applet[align=left i], embed[align=left i], iframe[align=left i],
-img[align=left i], input[type=image i][align=left i], object[align=left i] {
+embed[align=left i], iframe[align=left i], img[align=left i],
+input[type=image i][align=left i], object[align=left i] {
float: left;
-applet[align=right i], embed[align=right i], iframe[align=right i],
-img[align=right i], input[type=image i][align=right i], object[align=right i] {
+embed[align=right i], iframe[align=right i], img[align=right i],
+input[type=image i][align=right i], object[align=right i] {
float: right;
-applet[align=top i], embed[align=top i], iframe[align=top i],
-img[align=top i], input[type=image i][align=top i], object[align=top i] {
+embed[align=top i], iframe[align=top i], img[align=top i],
+input[type=image i][align=top i], object[align=top i] {
vertical-align: top;
-applet[align=baseline i], embed[align=baseline i], iframe[align=baseline i],
-img[align=baseline i], input[type=image i][align=baseline i], object[align=baseline i] {
+embed[align=baseline i], iframe[align=baseline i], img[align=baseline i],
+input[type=image i][align=baseline i], object[align=baseline i] {
vertical-align: baseline;
-applet[align=texttop i], embed[align=texttop i], iframe[align=texttop i],
-img[align=texttop i], input[type=image i][align=texttop i], object[align=texttop i] {
+embed[align=texttop i], iframe[align=texttop i], img[align=texttop i],
+input[type=image i][align=texttop i], object[align=texttop i] {
vertical-align: text-top;
-applet[align=absmiddle i], embed[align=absmiddle i], iframe[align=absmiddle i],
-img[align=absmiddle i], input[type=image i][align=absmiddle i], object[align=absmiddle i],
-applet[align=abscenter i], embed[align=abscenter i], iframe[align=abscenter i],
-img[align=abscenter i], input[type=image i][align=abscenter i], object[align=abscenter i] {
+embed[align=absmiddle i], iframe[align=absmiddle i], img[align=absmiddle i],
+input[type=image i][align=absmiddle i], object[align=absmiddle i],
+embed[align=abscenter i], iframe[align=abscenter i], img[align=abscenter i],
+input[type=image i][align=abscenter i], object[align=abscenter i] {
vertical-align: middle;
-applet[align=bottom i], embed[align=bottom i], iframe[align=bottom i],
-img[align=bottom i], input[type=image i][align=bottom i],
-object[align=bottom i] {
+embed[align=bottom i], iframe[align=bottom i], img[align=bottom i],
+input[type=image i][align=bottom i], object[align=bottom i] {
vertical-align: bottom;
When an applet
, embed
, iframe
, img
, or
- object
element, or an input
element whose type
attribute is in the Image Button state, has an align
- attribute whose value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "center
" or the string "middle
", the user agent is expected
- to act as if the element's 'vertical-align' property was set to a value that aligns
- the vertical middle of the element with the parent element's baseline.
The hspace
attribute of applet
, embed
- iframe
, img
, or object
elements, and input
- elements with a type
attribute in the Image Button state, maps to the dimension properties 'margin-left' and
- 'margin-right' on the element.
The vspace
attribute of applet
, embed
- iframe
, img
, or object
elements, and input
- elements with a type
attribute in the Image Button state, maps to the dimension properties 'margin-top' and
- 'margin-bottom' on the element.
When an embed
, iframe
, img
, or object
+ element, or an input
element whose type
+ attribute is in the Image Button state, has an align
attribute whose value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for
+ the string "center
" or the string "middle
", the user
+ agent is expected to act as if the element's 'vertical-align' property was set to a
+ value that aligns the vertical middle of the element with the parent element's baseline.
The hspace
attribute of embed
, iframe
+ img
, or object
elements, and input
elements with a type
attribute in the Image
+ Button state, maps to the dimension
+ properties 'margin-left' and 'margin-right' on the element.
The vspace
attribute of embed
, iframe
+ img
, or object
elements, and input
elements with a type
attribute in the Image
+ Button state, maps to the dimension
+ properties 'margin-top' and 'margin-bottom' on the element.
When an The Use This feature is in the process of being removed from the Web platform. (This
- is a long process that takes many years.) Using the The When the element matches any of the following conditions, it represents its
- contents: Otherwise, the user agent should instantiate a Java Language runtime plugin, and
- should pass the names and values of all the attributes on the element, in the order they were
- added to the element, with the attributes added by the parser being ordered in source order, and
- then a parameter named "PARAM" whose value is null, and then all the names and values of parameters given by The The The The The The img
element, object
element, or input
with a type
attribute in the
and height
attributes on applet
, embed
- iframe
, img
, object
or video
elements, and
- input
elements with a type
attribute in the
- Image Button state and that either represents an image
- or that the user expects will eventually represent an image, height attributes on embed
, iframe
+ img
, object
or video
elements, and input
+ elements with a type
attribute in the Image Button state and that either represents an image or
+ that the user expects will eventually represent an image, map to the dimension properties 'width' and 'height' on
the element respectively.
or object
Requirements for implementations
- The
- applet
element at this time is
- highly discouraged.applet
element is a Java-specific variant of the embed
- The applet
element is now obsoleted so that all extension frameworks (Java, .NET,
- Flash, etc) are handled in a consistent manner.
- Document
element that is not showing its
- fallback content.param
elements that are
- children of the applet
element, in tree order, to the
- plugin used. If the plugin supports a scriptable interface, the
- HTMLAppletElement
object representing the element should expose that interface. The
- applet
element represents the plugin.applet
element is unaffected by the CSS 'display'
- property. The Java Language runtime is instantiated even if the element is hidden with a
- 'display:none' CSS style.applet
element must implement the HTMLAppletElement
- interface.interface HTMLAppletElement : HTMLElement {
- [CEReactions] attribute DOMString align;
- [CEReactions] attribute DOMString alt;
- [CEReactions] attribute DOMString archive;
- [CEReactions] attribute DOMString code;
- [CEReactions] attribute USVString codeBase;
- [CEReactions] attribute DOMString height;
- [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long hspace;
- [CEReactions] attribute DOMString name;
- [CEReactions] attribute USVString _object; // the underscore is not part of the identifier
- [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long vspace;
- [CEReactions] attribute DOMString width;
- align
, alt
, archive
, code
, height
, hspace
, name
, object
, vspace
, and width
IDL attributes must reflect the
- respective content attributes of the same name. For the purposes of reflection, the
- applet
element's object
- attribute is defined as containing a URL.codeBase
IDL attribute must
- reflect the codebase
- attribute, which for the purposes of reflection is defined as containing a URL.The
element is a presentational element that animates content. CSS
@@ -112560,8 +112454,8 @@ if (s = prompt('What is your name?')) {
elements with name
attribute must return an
- HTMLCollection
rooted at the Document
node, whose filter matches only
- applet
rooted at the Document
node, whose filter matches
+ nothing.
The clear()
, captureEvents()
, and releaseEvents()
methods must do nothing.