My name is Md Tausif Siddiqui , an undergraduate student from Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata. As a part of Winter of Code 2020 I contributed to TesseractCoding – NeoAlgo Project The main motive of the project was to add enhancement to the various sections of the existing NeoAlgo project. NeoAlgo provides all data structures and algorithm under one roof and is very beneficial for students as everything is available in a single place in a simplified manner.
- #1643 I added 2 programs in C:
- To check whether a number entered is Automorphic number or not.
- To check whether a number entered is Kaprekar number or not.
- #1575 The project previously did not have a folder for Logos so I added a new folder for logos and I suggested 4 logos out of which 3 was approved.
Here are some of my PR's :
In future I am looking forward to working on more opensource projects.
It was my first opensource contribution and it was an amazing experience working on TesseractCoding . I got to learn many new stuffs and now I am able to understand git and github better. A big thanks to all the mentors and special mention goes to HarshCasper for making the work so easy to understand specially for the beginners. shraddhavp for going through all my PR’s and iamrajiv for helping me out on my first PR and also adding my name in the