diff --git a/proposals/0016-style-script-defaults.md b/proposals/0016-style-script-defaults.md
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index 00000000..53abecf5
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+++ b/proposals/0016-style-script-defaults.md
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+- Start Date: 2022-03-15
+- Reference Issues: [RFC0008](https://github.com/withastro/rfcs/tree/main/proposals/0008-style-script-behavior.md), [#65](https://github.com/withastro/rfcs/discussions/65)
+- Implementation PR:
+# Summary
+Astro is inconsist between `
+# Motivation
+There have been [a few](https://github.com/withastro/rfcs/pull/12) [attempts](https://github.com/withastro/rfcs/discussions/65) to finalize this behavior and address these inconsistent APIs. This RFC aims to settle these questions prior to v1.0.
+- Users are generally in favor of how we currently do scoped, processed, and optimized styles by default. It is logical to extend this feature to scripts.
+- Inlining scripts and styles can be useful for anything that must exist inlined into the page, like Google Analytics. Users currently cannot do this for styles.
+- Users currently have to remember syntax for styles and scripts that is unlike other Astro directives.
+- Encourages our "optimized by default" / "pit of success" mentality. Smart scripts should be easy to use by default.
+# Detailed design
+### `is:inline`
+A new directive, `is:inline`, will be introduced. This will opt both `