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Releases: wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima


22 Jan 07:29
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Version-20.01.3 Pre-release
Another bugfix release.

 * Language selection now works even on system with missing language support
 * Resolved a copy-and-paste regression
 * A russian translation update by OlesyaGerasimenko
 * German translation updates
 * Improved stability of the communication with maxima
 * Preparation for maxima's pre-sub-and supscript feature
 * Corrected a few visual glitches of the worksheet
 * More tutorials describing a few of maxima's features


06 Jan 11:05
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  • Corrected html export of the lowest sectioning unit
  • Sometimes text after fractions wasn't displayed
  • Copy-and-paste should now work in more cases
  • Selecting text within fractions should now work again
  • Corrected a few display glitches of the worksheet
  • wxMaxima now comes with five example files
  • More and better-working mouse-over tooltips

As always the .dmg version of wxMaxima requires maxima to be installed and the .exe installer that can be found here requires MSVC Redistributable 2017 and maxima to be installed.


01 Jan 20:39
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  • Nice menu icons for the operating systems that support this
  • Started to bundle small tutorials with wxMaxima
  • Many small additional bug fixes

As always the .exe installer requires msvc redist 2017 and a working maxima install while the .dmg installer requires a working maxima install.


28 Dec 01:24
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A bugfix release that resolves a crash.


27 Dec 19:20
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Big improvements for the graphical output.

  • A Russian traslation update by OlesyaGerasimenko
  • The manual is now found on Gentoo, too
  • Big improvements to the maths output
  • A major speedUp by caching already-determined text snippet sizes
  • All icons that aren't provided by the operating system now are rendered from SVG
  • Internal communication with maxima is now more MathML-like in many places
  • Many additional small bug fixes.

As always the .exe installer requires a working install of maxima and MSVC redistributable 2017. The .dmg installer requires a working maxima install (which in turn requires a gnuplot install).


22 Dec 12:43
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SVG support (without svg text support, though) and documentation formats

  • An hungarian translation update by István Blahota
  • Drastically sped up the lookalike char detection
  • Fixes for many small bugs
  • Many changes that prevent typical programming errors
  • Saving to .wxm sets the worksheet to "saved" again
  • More cases of modern wxWidgets signal handling
  • svg support that unfortunately lacks a font renderer

As always the .dmg image requires a working install of maxima and the .exe installer requires maxima and MSVC Redist 2017 to be installed.

  • Right-click menus for the symbols sidebars
  • (Mostly) fixed the index in the manual
  • Allow building and installing the manual in other formats (epub, pdf, ...)


06 Dec 18:18
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A release providing a feature requested by the maxima-devs

  • Made the tooltips more visible
  • Added a warning tooltip about missing multiplication signs
  • Sped up drawing of new cells correcting the size calculations
  • If lookalike chars are used in a way that can cause hard-to-find errors now a
    warning tooltip is generated
  • A few additional bug fixes that (besides others) resolve a potential crash
  • An option to turn all multiplication dots on

As always the .dmg and .exe version of the release require a working maxima installation and the .exe version requires a msvc2017-redistributable in order to work.


01 Dec 11:48
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This release provides many under-the-hood changes partially caused by switching to C++11 and partially by cppcheck finding bugs and constructs that can cause bugs later. Totally >1700 lines were changed in order to do that.

  • wxMaxima now uses C++11 that makes the code more readable and helps finding bugs
  • If found wxMaxima now asks cppcheck to find bugs
  • Increased the speed of the program again
  • Opening the config dialogue since 19.11.0 unchecked "offer known answers"
  • For Cmake>=3.10.0 the build system now asks cppcheck to find bugs.
  • Changing the worksheet style was partially broken.
  • A big number of additional bug fixes in various places
  • A config option that forces displaying all multiplication signs.


17 Nov 18:02
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A bugfix release

  • Improved italian translation by Marco Ciampa
  • Autocompletion no more causes asserts
  • A better logic that decides which cell to send to maxima
  • wxMaxima now supports "-l", "-u" and "-X" command-line args like maxima
  • The help files now are installed in the Right Place
  • Many additional small bug fixes

The windows installer provided here (as always) needs a MSVC redistributable 2017 and a working maxima installation that includes in oder to run. The Mac installer requires a working Maxima and a working gnuplot. No guarantee if the Mac or the Windows Installer works: They were automatically generated and I don't own a computer with any of these operating systems.


11 Nov 19:08
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  • Chinese translation updates from liulitchi
  • Turkish translation updates from TufanSirin
  • Hungarian translation updates from Blahota István
  • German translation updates from Wolfgang Dautermann and Gunter Königsmann
  • Better detection of the Gnuplot location
  • Better detection of the right place to open autocomplete popups in
  • Better formatting of special unicode operators
  • If autosave on closing fails: Allow the user to ask to exit anyway
  • Enable Autosave even if the option to keep the file saved is disabled
  • A context menu with the "display labels" choices
  • A context menu with "max number of digits" choices
  • A speedup by preventing recursive calls to resize functions
  • Corrected parametric plots in the plot wizard
  • A command-line switch that copies all log messages to stderr.
  • Batch mode no more adds documents to "recent documents".
  • For purists: A "don't offer known answers" config option.
  • Now some toolbar items can be disabled.
  • Added more toolbar buttons that evaluate cells.
  • Many additional bug fixes

The windows installer provided here (as always) needs a MSVC redistributable 2017 and a working maxima installation that includes in oder to run. The Mac installer requires a working Maxima and a working gnuplot. No guarantee if the Mac or the Windows Installer works: They were automatically generated and I don't own a computer with any of these operating systems.