- Break the question into vocabulary, look at denotations, connotations, synonyms, antonyms.
- Look at Real World Contexts: Historical, Political, Philosphical, e.t.c. Provides nuance
- Knowledge, quotes. 2 to 3 points, each being a comparison / similarity.
Look for tension and connection. Where are the texts similar and different? why?
While The Memory Police …, The Crucible … Despite . differences …
Despite historical differences, both texts present how those who are ignorant or ‘not knowing’ are vulnerable to being exploited by those in control of knowledge as a means to power.
Despite historical and political differences, both texts present how its favourable to not know than know.
Despite the dichotomy between the historical differences, both texts
- Controlled + Constructed ignorance
- Ch2 birds
- ACT 1 - woods; Abi’s plot; Theocracy?
- Wilful or performed ignorance
- Ch19, book burnings
- ACT 3, court, Elizabeth Proctor
- Counter: those who know
- R, Mother
- Hale ACT 1 -> ACT 3. Knowledge causing guilt or punishment.