Powerful, easy-to-use app container for Angular.js with ES Modules. Types included. IE11 supported.
import { app, NgRouter } from '@ledge/ng-app';
import * as components from './components';
import * as routes from './routes';
import 'ng1dependency1';
import 'ng1dependency2';
* Use any Angular.js module
app.addDependencies('ng1dependency1', 'ng1dependency2');
* Submit your component declarations as a simple object
* Write interceptors with no boilerplate
request(cfg) {
// ...
return cfg;
requestError(err) {
// ...
return err;
response(rsp) {
// ...
return rsp;
responseError(err) {
// ...
return err;
* Work with raw Angular.js module APIs
app.module.run(['serviceName', (serviceName) => {
// run block code
app.module.config(['serviceName', (serviceName) => {
// config block code
* Use state-based routing with angular-ui-router
* @see https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router
* @see https://github.com/ui-router/core
class AppRouter extends NgRouter {
constructor() {
this.routes = [/* ... */];
getRoutes() {
return this.routes;
app.setRouter(new AppRouter());
* Initiate the container
import { app } from '@ledge/ng-app';
const http = app.http; // using $http service
const log = app.log; // using $log service + custom toast w/ bootstrap classes
const modal = app.modal; // using custom modal w/ bootstrap classes
- Compatible with Bootstrap 4
- Supports
attributes, as well as theirng-
equivalents - Generates well-formed & accessible HTML structures with labels, ids, names, etc.
- Validation applied via
<text-input ng-model="model1">
Label Text
<html-input ng-model="model1" type="number" min="0" max="100" step="1">
Label Text
<html-input ng-model="model1" type="range" min="0" max="100" step="1">
Label Text
<text-box ng-model="model2" required>
Other Label Text
<date-input ng-model="dateInput" min-date="minDateValue" max-date="maxDateValue">
Date Label Text
<check-box ng-model="model3">
<!-- "Model 3" will be generated as the label text -->
<text-input type="number" ng-model="model4" ng-disabled="!model3" min="1" max="2">
<!-- This label text will be used for screen readers -->
Description for the Model 3 checkbox
<fieldset class="form-group">
Legend Text
<radio-list ng-model="model5" list="[{Text: 'Item 1', Value: 1}, {Text: 'Item 2', Value: 2}]"></radio-list>
ng-app .js
bundles are compiled to ES5 & are drop-in ready for IE11
ng-app .cjs
bundles are compiled to ES2015 & are NOT drop-in ready for IE11 (see below)
ng-app requires no polyfills to run in IE11
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<base href="/">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<fieldset ng-controller="AppController as $ctrl">
<button type="button" ng-click="$ctrl.openModal()">Open Modal</button>
<button type="button" ng-click="$ctrl.openConfirmToast()">Open Confirmation Toast</button>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/angular@1/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/angular-messages@1/angular-messages.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@ledge/ng-app@6/build/ng-app.production.js"></script>
ngApp.app.makeComponentController(function AppController() {
var $ctrl = this;
$ctrl.openModal = function openModal() {
controller: function ModalController() {
this.title = 'Example Modal';
this.body = 'Body';
title: '{{$ctrl.title}}',
template: '<p class="lead">{{$ctrl.body}}</p>',
$ctrl.openConfirmToast = function openConfirmToast() {
$ctrl.$log.confirm('Yes or No?')
.then(() => $ctrl.$log.success('Yes!'))
.catch(() => $ctrl.$log.info('No...'));
ngApp.app.bootstrap().then(function () {
ngApp.app.log.success('Welcome... to The World...');
By default, the .mjs
bundle will be used. This bundle is compiled to es2015 and does NOT run in IE11 out-of-the-box. You can either alias to the es5 bundles or transform the bundle using a plugin. For an example of the latter, see the webpack configuration in the project repository.