Send IR commands with LIRC to control IR devices with NEEO which are not directly reachable by the brain.
- NEEO - The Thinking Remote:
- Linux Infrared Remote Control:
Available commands are retrieved from lircd and dynamically added to the NEEO driver.
The LIRC daemon is controlled over a network connection with Node.js module lirc-client. This NEEO driver can run anywhere on the network, even on a Windows machine, as long as it's able to connect to the remote LIRC daemon. I'm running lircd on a Raspberry Zero-W and the driver on a Linux Intel server.
Attention: proof of concept only!
Needs lots of improvements and this is my first Node.js hack...
Tested with:
- NEEO SDK 0.47.8
- LIRC 0.9.0-pre1 running on Raspbian Stretch light (2017-09-07)
- Denon DRA-F109 (see doc/lircd.conf)
- Node.js >= v6.12 (
- LIRC properly configured with activated network listening.
- Make sure you are able to send IR commands with irsend
- Telnet test to output all defined remotes in lircd.conf:
telnet <HOST> 8765
Download or clone the code from github.
git clone
Install required packages with npm
npm install
Edit the config.json file to adjust the driver settings
neeo.brainIp : IP address of the NEEO brain (optional).
Auto discovery is active if not specified. See issue: NEEOInc/neeo-sdk#36
neeo.callbackIp : IP address of machine running the driver (optional).
Most likely required if auto discovery doesn't work.
neeo.callbackPort : local port number for device server
- : host name or address of lircd
lirc.port : port number of lircd
Edit the key-mapping.json file to adjust LIRC to NEEO mappings
LIRC keys are automatically mapped if the name starts with prefix 'KEY_' or 'SRC_' for source inputs. All other keys can be mapped in key-mapping.json.
- Pay special attention to NEEO's button groups, i.e. the special button naming. See:
- The LIRC name is used if NEEO name is not specified.
- The NEEO label is derived from the key name if it's not specified.
node index.js