Inspired by all the other *fetches, (neofetch, hyfetch, screenfetch, pridefetch, fastfetch, freshfetch, pfetch, afetch, yafetch, disfetch, bunnyfetch, vfetch, ufetch, uwufetch, owofetch, profetch, nerdfetch, mfetch, cfetch, cppfetch, rsfetch, rxfetch, jfchmotfsdynfetch, etc.)
NOTE: it currently only works on Linux
If you have Nix installed, you can try out nekofetch by running this command:
nix run github:2kool4idkwhat/nekofetch
blazingly fast 🚀🚀🚀🚀
not an 11k line bash script
If you have Go installed, you can just clone this repo and run go install
git clone ""
cd nekofetch
go install
If you have Nix installed, you can just run this:
nix profile install github:2kool4idkwhat/nekofetch
nekofetch # run with default config
nekofetch --help # view the auto-generated help page
nekofetch --lowercase # makes all the text lowercase
nekofetch --owo # if you're a furry :3