Generic Flex Ant build script.
It compiles src/*.{as,mxml}
using the SWCs in lib/
and put the
generated SWF files in the bin/
folder. If no src files are found
at the top-level, it assumes it is an archive and compiles a SWC.
The ASDoc is generated in asdoc/
. The FlexUnit classes are in test/
Mockolate is available, results including code audit (with FlexPMD, FlexCPD
and FlexMetrics) are written to test-reports/
. You can use the publish
target, but make sure ant-jsch.jar and jsch.jar (available in lib
are in your Ant library path.
It is convention based but you can be configured with a
and build-config.xml
in your project root directory.
Install in a subfolder, eg:
git submodule add build
It can can be extended with your own targets using Ant import/include tasks. Eg. create a build.xml in the root of the project (next to build folder):
<project default="compile">
<import file="build/build.xml" />
<target name="hello">