Releases: Admiral-Billy/Pokerogue-App
Dex Change 2
Heya! Believe it or not, the Dex link changed again so this is a fixed version that changes that to be correct, and has absolutely no other changes. It's not even getting a version change!
If you don't care about that, or have one of the Android versions, then there's no reason to update.
Dex Change
This is a very small update with a single purpose: changing the Dex link to go to the official PokeRogue Dex! It's not quite as nice as what was previously there since this is Pokemon specific rather than everything, and goes to different pages rather than being on one page, but it's getting better over time and the previous Dex was taken offline anyways so this is what we've got.
Beyond that, I've also included the apk for PodarSmarty's remade Android app here! It's existed for a while, albeit in half-secret, but I highly recommend it myself as it was made properly compared to mine which was cobbled together quickly. There's nothing stopping you from having both apps installed on your phone at the same time, so try it out and keep the one you prefer! It's got a lot of the bells and whistles from the desktop version, such as the utilities and QOL options (accessible by swiping right from the left side of the home screen).
Polishing the PokeApp
Hey there again! This release is again almost entirely brought to you by PodarSmarty from the Discord, and brings with it quite a lot of nice things:
- The Mac version has improved performance, as it is no longer forced to run on Rosetta.
- The text hotkey code was rewritten so that the edit menu can be removed from the top while still allowing common text hotkeys to function (e.g. copy/paste)
- The offline game file downloads were moved into a little submenu of their own, making it look nicer.
- All platforms now download the game to the same location, so there's no weirdness with having to navigate to either the app's folder or the documents folder depending on OS.
- The about window no longer hijacks the game's inputs.
- Various code was cleaned up by removing unnecessary fixes and organizing what remained.
Additionally, the Android version specifically got a fix for certain devices that had the game in a corner and off-screen rather than centered for some reason. This fix is thanks to travellerse!
In terms of my single, critical contribution to this release...I added commas to the party list for the Discord Rich Presence. For some reason Discord no longer allows newlines in the state, so instead of my pretty vertical list of Pokemon, we now get to settle with an unpretty horizontal comma separated list. Boo.
EDIT: I have included a tiny Android fix for anyone who wanted to play Futaba's Build: it now actually downloads Futaba's Build instead of the beta. Incredible.
Accelerators + Authenticators
Heya! Thanks to the help of PodarSmarty on the Discord, there's a few fixes for the desktop version of the app in this version (indicated by the nerdy name of the release):
- You can now use hotkeys (also known as accelerators) to close the game as you would expect, so don't listen to anyone telling you to hit Alt+F4 for a guaranteed shiny!
- Discord logins now work on the desktop version.
The Android version is unchanged for the time-being.
EDIT (9/10/24): There's another nice lil' mac performance improvement that PodarSmarty made, so I'm going to update the release here with it since we're not quite at "create another release" levels of updates.
Not-so-final Fixes
Remember how I said I wouldn't be releasing any other updates unless something dire needed fixing or someone submitted PRs? Turns out, we did both of those in a 2-for-1 release, wow!
Thanks to Nobbi and Sean on the PokeRogue Discord, this version of the app should now continue to work in offline mode even after the latest PokeRogue update. Huzzah!
Final(?) Farewells
The name of the release is a little dramatic, but TL;DR this is probably going to be the last update I give the app unless something dire needs fixing, due to waning interests and limited time. PRs will still be checked and accepted however, so feel free to contribute still or fork the app for your own changes!
In terms of features, I accepted a PR that adds a toggle for the PokeRogue Mod Loader to the app! This cool website is an alternative server that has built-in mod support, so dig into it if you so choose. Beyond that, I added a mute toggle, the skeleton of a beta toggle (that has issues I couldn't fix, so that code is commented out), and added some code that cuts the privacy links out of the page for a cleaner appearance.
The Android app is still the same for the time being, but again, PRs are still being accepted for that. The Android app was always a secondary focus for me so I'm still surprised that it probably ended up as the more popular app of the two despite its limitations and lack of features.
This project was a ton of fun to make, and I'd like to thank you all for the support you've given me along the way! :)
Android Anguish Alleaving
Hey there! As the name of the release implies, this release is Android-focused, in particular fixing a bug with permissions that may also be causing issues with other things like downloading the offline files.
This new version should also work on versions below Android 11 (down to Android 8). Let me know if it doesn't though and I'll see what I can do!
As for the Desktop version, it's about the same but the hotkey rebinding option was removed as an official implementation is ingame now.
EDIT (6/6/24): I have uploaded a fix for Android that allows exporting to work again. Oops.
A Smidegon O' Service
This release has exactly 1 small bug fix for the Desktop version and 1 medium-sized (attempted) fix + 1 small fix for the Android version.
For the desktop version, it should no longer resize/recenter the window when reloading the game, so you don't have to mess with your windows anymore!
For the Android version, I disabled the download % tracker because apparently this was breaking the downloader; I assume I'm just doing something slightly wrong with it that I need to fix, but in the meantime disabling it seems to work just fine for most people. As for the small fix, the app should now show up in the app list on Android TV-based devices, hooray!
Initial Installer + Droid Drip
I apologize for that name
Anyways, hey there! This update has a few nice little QoL features for those that are interested. For one, there's now a Windows Installer! I'll be trying to make a Linux version in the future too, but yeah, this is a simple way to just get the app up and running along with a convenient desktop/start menu shortcut. Mac probably won't be getting an installer as it requires the app to be signed, and that requires paying Apple, so y'know.
The installer version of the app is identical to the version in the zips, but may be more convenient to download.
As for the Android version, I went ahead and cleaned up the start screen a bit. It has basic controller support e.g. for the Android TV, and has been reorganized/beautified a bit. I wanted to fix the issue where sound still plays when closing out of the app, but apparently that's just an inherent "feature" of WebViews, and I can't get rid of that without simultaneously muting any other audio streams going on at the same time, so oh well.
EDIT: I updated the Android release to fix a small issue regarding failed downloads, and also enforced the minimum Android version of 11 since neither this app or the PokeRogue website function on prior versions. I should also note that the installer version might not be able to download game files unless you run the game as admin, depending on where you install it (e.g. Program Files).
QoL Qualms, Boppin' Bugs
Hey there! As the title implies, this release adds a couple extra quality of life features and fixes some slightly annoying bugs.
For the quality of life, the about tab now features some helpful links to the PokeRogue discords, my video tutorial regarding the app, and the repo to download game files manually. Futaba's build was also moved into the main file tab to make it easier to get to. I also added a horizontal edit of the type chart that'll be better to use on small screens such as the Steam Deck (thanks l-dietrich!). I also clarified a bit of text, e.g. making it obvious that you need game files for offline to be enabled.
For bug fixes, I fixed the bug where the menu is disabled by default when you first run the app, and also fixed some Mac-related issues regarding the about tab.
The Android release is still the same as previously for now.