You know when you have to adjust your views whenever the UIKeyboard appears and have to write a lof of code which will only make your controllers more ugly?
Well, I've decided to build a very simple library to fix that for you.
- adjust view's Y coordinage as the keyboard appears/disappears
- adjust the view's height as the keyboard appears/dissapears
- do custom setup whenever the keyboard appears, disappears
Import AFKeyboardObserver and AFKeyboardObserverViewController to your project :
//subclass AFKeyboardObserverViewController
@interface ViewController : AFKeyboardObserverViewController
//implement the delegate methods - they're all optional
//adjusts the height of the views when the keyboard appears
-(NSArray *)viewsToAdjustHeight {
return @[self.mainView];
//adjusts the Y position of the views when the keyboard appears
-(NSArray *)viewsToAdjustYPosition {
return @[self.textField];
-(void)keyboardWillAppear {
// do additional setup
-(void)keyboardWillDissapear {
// do additional setup