The WeChat Pay SDK is a static .a
library. This repository provides an XCFramework around the static library for more convenient importing of the WeChat Pay SDK. This is especially useful when using Swift Package Manager.
Embeded WeChat SDK versions: 1.9.2
❗ WeChat SDK versions and below contain UIKit symbols and cause rejection during App Store Review: "ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage".
- For embedding the XCFramework into an Xcode project, Xcode 11+ is required.
- For integrating through Swift Package Manager, Xcode 12+ is required.
- Supports iOS 10+.
- Drag the XCFramework into your Frameworks folder.
- Make sure to Select “Copy items if needed” and “Create groups” options when adding the XCFramework file.
- Navigate to your project settings, then General tab, under “Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content”, make sure to select “Embed & Sign” for your newly added XCFramework.
- Follow Apple's Adding Package Dependencies to Your App guide on how to add a Swift Package dependency.
- Use
as the repository URL. - Specify the version to be at least
using Swift Package Manager.
- Add
pod 'AdyenWeChatPayInternal'
to yourPodfile
. - Run
pod install
- Add
github "adyen/adyen-wechatpay-ios"
to yourCartfile
. - Run
carthage update --use-xcframeworks
. - Link the framework with your target as described in Carthage Readme.
Note: for non-M1 mac use workarounds from here
AdyenWeChatPayInternal is just a wrapper around the original WeChat Pay SDK, with a few minor improvements:
- Handles the importing of the dependent system frameworks and libraries.
- Removes the need for adding
-Objc and -all_load
other linker flags to the your project build settings.
Other than these improvements, the framework works in the same way as the original WeChat Pay SDK.
static library does not support simulator for arm64
To debug on simulator use debug flags
#if !(targetEnvironment(simulator))
// Code that calls WeChat SDK
Refer to the original documentation.
If you have a feature request, or spotted a bug or a technical problem regarding the XCFramework wrapper, create a GitHub issue. For other questions or issues regarding the SDK, contact WeChat Pay iOS SDK support.
MIT license. For more information, see the LICENSE file.