AXSpannableText supports Hashtag(#), Mention(@), URLs, Phone, Email, Markdown, etc and ability to handle clicks and long clicks in all TextView widgets (TextView, Button, Switch, CheckBox, etc), Toasts and all other places that accept Spanned content. (Customized for Messengers and Chat pages)
- MarkdownStyleSpanType
- Bold
- Italic
- Bold & Italic
- StrikethroughSpanType
- UnderlineSpanType
- Underline
- MarkdownLinkSpanType
- MarkdownMonospaceSpanType
- MarkdownMultilineMonospaceSpanType
- MentionSpanType
- HashtagSpanType
- URLSpanType
- PhoneSpanType
- EmailSpanType
- Installation
- Usage
- Customization
- Clickable Span
- Customize SpanType Groups
- CustomSpanType
- Syntax Guide
- Author
- License
AXSpannableText is available in the JCenter, so you just need to add it as a dependency (Module gradle)
implementation 'com.aghajari.spannabletext:AXSpannableText:1.0.0'
First you need to create your own AXSpannableText and add the SpanTypes which you want.
AXSpannableText spannableText = new AXSpannableText();
spannableText.addType(new MarkdownStyleSpanType());
spannableText.addType(new StrikethroughSpanType());
spannableText.addType(new UnderlineSpanType());
Example :
textView.setMovementMethod(new AXLinkMovementMethod());
textView.setText(spannableText.create("Hi @Aghajari, How you doin?\n"+
"this is a [Test **Link**](\n"+
"this is a **Bold** text\n"+
"this is an *Italic* text\n"+
"this is a ***Bold & Italic*** text\n"+
"this is an ~~StrikeThrough~~ text\n"+
"this is an ++Underline++ text\n"+
"this is a ***~~++Custom++~~*** text\n\n"+
"this is a `code`\n"+
"MultilineCode : \n```line 1\nline 2```\n"+
"AXEmojiView : \uD83D\uDE0D\uD83D\uDE1D\uD83D\uDE12\uD83D\uDE31\uD83C\uDF1A \n\n"+
"Phone : +99123456\n"+
"Email : [email protected]\n"+
"URL :\n"+
"Hashtag : #AXSpannableText #Android\n\n"+
"Custom : [Github \uD83D\uDE0E | Aghajari]"));
You can customize text style
spannableText.addType(new MY_SPAN_TYPE(){
public void applyTextStyle(AXSpanRange range, TextPaint textPaint, boolean isPressed) {
// Customize typeface, textSize, textColor, backgroundColor, etc
You can enable click or long click for any span
spannableText.addType(new MY_SPAN_TYPE(){
protected void init() {
public void onSpanClick(@NonNull View view, AXSpanRange range) {
super.onSpanClick(view, range);
public void onSpanLongClick(@NonNull View view, AXSpanRange range) {
super.onSpanLongClick(view, range);
Toast.makeText(view.getContext(),"LongClicked : "+range.getMatchedText(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
You can customize an span type groups
For example, in MentionSpanType, you can set @
and Username
colors with two different values :
spannableText.addType(new MentionSpanType() {
protected void init() {
// @Username -> Group1: @ , Group2: Username
addGroupSpan(1,new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED));
addGroupSpan(2,new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLUE));
Example :
textView.setText(MySpannableText.create("Hi @Aghajari"));
You can create any custom span type by a regex pattern
spannableText.addType(new CustomSpan());
// CustomSpan
public static class CustomSpan extends AXSpannableStyleType {
public CustomSpan(){
// INFO : ForegroundColorSpan(RED)
addGroupSpan(1,new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED));
// ID : ForegroundColorSpan(BLUE)
addGroupSpan(2,new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLUE));
// ClickableSpan
public Pattern getRegexPattern() {
return Pattern.compile("\\[(\\s*[^*]*)\\|(\\s*[^*]*)\\]");
public void applyTextStyle(AXSpanRange range, TextPaint textPaint, boolean isPressed) {
super.applyTextStyle(range, textPaint, isPressed);
public boolean isValidRange(AXSpanRange range) {
// check if INFO & ID exists
if (range.getGroups() == null || range.getGroups().size()!=2) return false;
return super.isValidRange(range);
protected int getStartTransparentLength(AXSpanRange range) {
return 1; // remove [ at the start
protected int getEndTransparentLength(AXSpanRange range) {
return 1; // remove ] at the end
public void onSpanClick(@NonNull View view, AXSpanRange range) {
super.onSpanClick(view, range);
Example :
textView.setText(MySpannableText.create("Test : [Github | Aghajari]"));
Here’s an overview of AXSpannableText supported syntax.
Example :
It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* or ***bold & italic*** with Markdown.
Output :
It's very easy to make some words bold and other words italic or bold & italic with Markdown.
Any word wrapped with two tildes (like ~~this~~
) will appear crossed out.
Example : this is an ~~Strikethrough~~ text
Output : this is an Strikethrough text
Any word wrapped with two plus symbol (like ++this++
) will be underlined.
Example : this is an ++Underline++ text
Output : this is an Underline text
Any text converted into a clickable (or longclickable) link.
Example : [link to Google!](
Output : link to Google!
Here’s an example of how you can use syntax highlighting :
Example : `Code`
Output : Code
Here’s an example of how you can use multiline syntax highlighting :
Example :
Output :
Github: Typing an
symbol, followed by a username, will notify that person to come and view the comment. This is called an “@mention”, because you’re mentioning the individual.
Wikipedia: A mention (also known as @replies or tagging) is a means by which a blog post references or links to a user's profile.
Wikipedia: A hashtag is a metadata tag that is prefaced by the hash symbol, #.
Any URL will be automatically converted into a clickable (or longclickable) link.
Any Phone number will be automatically converted into a clickable (or longclickable) link.
Any Email address will be automatically converted into a clickable (or longclickable) link.
AXSpannableText supports using AXEmojiView or any other emoji views
- Amir Hossein Aghajari
Copyright 2020 Amir Hossein Aghajari
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.