The website Sahayika acts as the medium for NGOs and other non-profit organizations to reach and help thousands of rural women, especially young school girls. With Sahayika, the NGO or individuals acn register themselves with our portal, and offer help to needy schools.
- For frontend: Javascript HTML CSS
- Backend : Django
1.People can get started by filling the registeration form. They can register as an NGO or the representative of a particular chapter. By filling a simple volunteering form, the NGOs get audiences and:
- Conduct sessions and talks aboout female anatomy.
- Distribute sanitary and health-care products among rural school girls.
- Train and encourage masses for women empowerment.
2.Then the applicant will be mailed. In this email they will be provided with their login credentials. 3. After loging in , they will be directed to the mainpage. 4. This page will have an events section which will tell the people about the upcoming events 5. It will also have a gallery that will dispaly all the work done by us so far. 6.This will have options for them to volunteer.