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PD and PP 1D sharps (#136)
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lukem12345 authored Feb 5, 2025
1 parent 53867cb commit 844c30b
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Showing 2 changed files with 76 additions and 8 deletions.
36 changes: 28 additions & 8 deletions src/DiscreteExteriorCalculus.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ export DualSimplex, DualV, DualE, DualTri, DualTet, DualChain, DualForm,
ℒ, lie_derivative, lie_derivative_flat,
vertex_center, edge_center, triangle_center, tetrahedron_center, dual_tetrahedron_vertices, dual_triangle_vertices, dual_edge_vertices,
dual_point, dual_volume, subdivide_duals!, DiagonalHodge, GeometricHodge,
subdivide, PPSharp, AltPPSharp, DesbrunSharp, LLSDDSharp, de_sign,
subdivide, PDSharp, PPSharp, AltPPSharp, DesbrunSharp, LLSDDSharp, de_sign,
DPPFlat, PPFlat,
♭♯, ♭♯_mat, flat_sharp, flat_sharp_mat, dualize,

import Base: ndims
import Base: *
import LinearAlgebra: mul!
using LinearAlgebra: Diagonal, dot, norm, cross, pinv, qr, ColumnNorm
using LinearAlgebra: Diagonal, dot, norm, cross, pinv, qr, ColumnNorm, normalize
using SparseArrays
using StaticArrays: @SVector, SVector, SMatrix, MVector, MMatrix
using Statistics: mean
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ struct DPPFlat <: DiscreteFlat end
struct PPFlat <: DiscreteFlat end

abstract type DiscreteSharp end
struct PDSharp <: DiscreteSharp end
struct PPSharp <: DiscreteSharp end
struct AltPPSharp <: DiscreteSharp end
struct DesbrunSharp <: DiscreteSharp end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -698,6 +699,25 @@ function ♭_mat(s::AbstractDeltaDualComplex2D, ::PPFlat)

function (s::AbstractDeltaDualComplex1D, X::AbstractVector, ::PDSharp)
e_vecs = (s[s[:∂v0], :point] .- s[s[:∂v1], :point]) .* sign(1,s,edges(s))
# Normalize once to undo the line integral.
# Normalize again to compute direction of the vector.
e_vecs .* X ./ map(x -> iszero(x) ? 1 : x, (norm.(e_vecs).^2))

function (s::AbstractDeltaDualComplex1D, X::AbstractVector, ::PPSharp)
dvf = (s, X, PDSharp())
map(vertices(s)) do v
# The 1 or 2 dual edges around a primal vertex:
des = incident(s, s[v, :vertex_center], :D_∂v1) # elementary_duals
# The primal edges to which those dual edges belong:
es = reduce(vcat, incident(s, s[des, :D_∂v0], :edge_center))
weights = reverse!(normalize(s[des, :dual_length], 1))
sum(dvf[es] .* weights)

function (s::AbstractDeltaDualComplex2D, α::AbstractVector, DS::DiscreteSharp)
α♯ = zeros(attrtype_type(s, :Point), nv(s))
for t in triangles(s)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1824,7 +1844,7 @@ This the primal-primal sharp from Hirani 2003, Definition 5.8.1 and Remark 2.7.2
See also: [`♭`](@ref) and [`♯_mat`](@ref), which returns a matrix that encodes this operator.
(s::HasDeltaSet, α::EForm) = PrimalVectorField((s, α.data, PPSharp()))
(s::HasDeltaSet2D, α::EForm) = PrimalVectorField((s, α.data, PPSharp()))

""" Sharp operator for converting dual 1-forms to dual vector fields.
Expand All @@ -1833,29 +1853,29 @@ tangent vector field.
See also: [`♯_mat`](@ref), which returns a matrix that encodes this operator.
(s::HasDeltaSet, α::DualForm{1}) = DualVectorField((s, α.data, LLSDDSharp()))
(s::HasDeltaSet2D, α::DualForm{1}) = DualVectorField((s, α.data, LLSDDSharp()))

""" Alias for the sharp operator [`♯`](@ref).
const sharp =

""" ♭♯_mat(s::HasDeltaSet)
""" ♭♯_mat(s::HasDeltaSet2D)
Make a dual 1-form primal by chaining ♭ᵈᵖ♯ᵈᵈ.
This returns a matrix which can be multiplied by a dual 1-form.
See also [`♭♯`](@ref).
♭♯_mat(s::HasDeltaSet) = only.(♭_mat(s, DPPFlat()) * ♯_mat(s, LLSDDSharp()))
♭♯_mat(s::HasDeltaSet2D) = only.(♭_mat(s, DPPFlat()) * ♯_mat(s, LLSDDSharp()))

""" ♭♯(s::HasDeltaSet, α::SimplexForm{1})
""" ♭♯(s::HasDeltaSet2D, α::SimplexForm{1})
Make a dual 1-form primal by chaining ♭ᵈᵖ♯ᵈᵈ.
This returns the given dual 1-form as a primal 1-form.
See also [`♭♯_mat`](@ref).
♭♯(s::HasDeltaSet, α::SimplexForm{1}) = ♭♯_mat(s) * α
♭♯(s::HasDeltaSet2D, α::SimplexForm{1}) = ♭♯_mat(s) * α

""" Alias for the flat-sharp dual-to-primal interpolation operator [`♭♯`](@ref).
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48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions test/DiscreteExteriorCalculus.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ using LinearAlgebra: Diagonal, mul!, norm, dot
using SparseArrays, StaticArrays

using Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra.CSets
using Catlab.Graphs
using ACSets
using ACSets.DenseACSets: attrtype_type
using CombinatorialSpaces
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +114,53 @@ f = VForm([0,1,2,1,0])
0.0 1.0 -2.0 1.0;
0.0 0.0 1.0 -3.0], atol=1e-3)

# A line with linearly-spaced x-coordinates.
primal_s = path_graph(EmbeddedDeltaSet1D{Bool,Point3D}, 1_000)
primal_s[:point] = map(x -> Point3D(x,0,0), 0:999)
s = EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool,Float64,Point3D}(primal_s)
subdivide_duals!(s, Barycenter())
f = map(x -> x[1]^2, s[:point]) # 0-Form: x^2
g = d(0,s) * f # 1-Form: 2xdx
g♯_d = (s, g, PDSharp()) # Dual Vector Field: 2x
g♯_p = (s, g, PPSharp()) # Primal Vector Field: 2x
@test g♯_d == 2*s[s[:edge_center], :dual_point]
@test g♯_p == [Point3D(1,0,0), 2*s[:point][begin+1:end-1]..., Point3D(1997,0,0)]

# A line with x-coordinates arranged 0,1,3,6.
primal_s = path_graph(EmbeddedDeltaSet1D{Bool,Point3D}, 4)
primal_s[:point] = [Point3D(0,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(3,0,0), Point3D(6,0,0)]
s = EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool,Float64,Point3D}(primal_s)
subdivide_duals!(s, Barycenter())
f = map(x -> x[1], s[:point]) # 0-Form: x
g = d(0,s) * f # 1-Form: 1dx
g♯_d = (s, g, PDSharp()) # Dual Vector Field: (1)
g♯_p = (s, g, PPSharp()) # Primal Vector Field: (1)
@test g♯_d == [Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0)]
@test g♯_p == [Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0)]

f = zeros(nv(s)) # 0-Form: 0
g = d(0,s) * f # 1-Form: 0dx
g♯_d = (s, g, PDSharp()) # Dual Vector Field: (0)
g♯_p = (s, g, PPSharp()) # Primal Vector Field: (0)
@test g♯_d == [Point3D(0,0,0), Point3D(0,0,0), Point3D(0,0,0)]
@test g♯_p == [Point3D(0,0,0), Point3D(0,0,0), Point3D(0,0,0), Point3D(0,0,0)]

# A line with x-coordinates arranged 0,1,3,6,
# and a perturbed dual point.
primal_s = path_graph(EmbeddedDeltaSet1D{Bool,Point3D}, 4)
primal_s[:point] = [Point3D(0,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(3,0,0), Point3D(6,0,0)]
s = EmbeddedDeltaDualComplex1D{Bool,Float64,Point3D}(primal_s)
subdivide_duals!(s, Barycenter())
s[6, :dual_point] = Point3D(1.25, 0, 0)
s[2, :dual_length] = 1.75
s[5, :dual_length] = 0.25
f = map(x -> x[1], s[:point]) # 0-Form: x
g = d(0,s) * f # 1-Form: 1dx
g♯_d = (s, g, PDSharp()) # Dual Vector Field: (1)
g♯_p = (s, g, PPSharp()) # Primal Vector Field: (1)
@test g♯_d == [Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0)]
@test g♯_p == [Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0), Point3D(1,0,0)]

# 2D dual complex

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