AdHoc Release: Multi Process Builds
723 commits
to master
since this release
Includes changes to allow running with a multi-process app setup. This is an experimental build intended for testing. See here for details: #479
To use this release, you must download the aar file below, and configure it with your project like so:
- Create a /libs directory inside your project and copy the android-beacon-library-2.9.2-mpb1-36-gc6a65ea.aar file there.
- Configure your app's outermost build.gradle File to reference the /libs directory from above in a flatDir declaration:
allprojects {
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
- Add the library AAR as a dependency, along with the Android Beacon Library like so:
dependencies {
compile 'android-beacon-library-2.9.2-mpb1-36-gc6a65ea@aar'