le-gpt.el is a comprehensive Emacs package for interacting with large language models from OpenAI, Anthropic, and Deepseek. It's a feature-rich fork of gpt.el that adds project awareness, completion, region transform, and more to come.
The aim is to make sure Emacs stays up-to-date with modern GPT support, essentially aiming for a CursorAI for Emacs.
- 0.4.0: Add DeepSeek support
Chat Interface: Create and manage multiple chat sessions with GPT. Use
M-x le-gpt-chat
to start a session. Key bindings in chat buffers include:C-c C-c
: Send follow-up commandC-c C-p
: Toggle prefix visibilityC-c C-b
: Copy code block at pointC-c C-t
: Generate descriptive buffer name from its contentC-c C-s
: Save the current buffer
Chat Buffer List: Display a list of all GPT chat buffers with
M-x le-gpt-list-buffers
. This feature allows you to manage and navigate through your GPT-related buffers efficiently. Mark buffers you want to delete withd
. Execute those deletions withx
. Unmark withu
. You can visit a buffer in the list by hittingRET
and refresh the list withg r
. Generating buffer names with gpt viaC-c C-t
also works in the buffer list. -
Save & load chats: Save a chat when visiting a buffer (or in the buffer list) with
C-c C-s
(orM-x le-gpt-chat-save-buffer
andM-x le-gpt-buffer-list-save-buffer
, respectively). You can load previously saved chats withM-x le-gpt-chat-load-file
. -
Completion at Point: Let GPT complete what you're currently writing. Use
M-x le-gpt-complete-at-point
to get suggestions based on your current cursor position. Suggest to bind this to a convenient key. I useC-M-n
. -
Region Transformation: Select a region you want GPT to transform. Use
M-x le-gpt-transform-region
to transform the selected region using GPT. Again, I useC-M-t
as a shortcut. -
Project Context: Select files from your project that GPT should use as context. Globally select project files to be used as context via
M-x le-gpt-select-project-files
or select local, per-command context by running the above commands with a prefix argument (C-u
). Context is used by chat, completion, and region transforms. To deselect global context files, useM-x le-gpt-deselect-project-files
orM-x le-gpt-clear-selected-context-files
to clear the entire selection.
Chat Interface | Completion at point |
![]() |
![]() |
Project Context | Region Transformation |
![]() |
![]() |
...and a screenshot for a small buffer list for completeness
You'll need Python packages for the API clients:
pip install openai anthropic jsonlines
You don't need to install all of them, but minimally openai
or anthropic
For deepseek
you'll need openai
You'll also need API keys from OpenAI and/or Anthropic and/or Deepseek.
You'll also need markdown-mode for displaying the chat conversations nicely.
is available via MELPA.
Here's how to install it with straight:
(use-package le-gpt
:bind (("M-C-g" . le-gpt-chat)
("M-C-n" . le-gpt-complete-at-point)
("M-C-t" . le-gpt-transform-region)
("M-C-s" . le-gpt-select-project-files)
("M-C-d" . le-gpt-deselect-project-files))
;; you need to set at least one of the following
(setq le-gpt-openai-key "your-openai-key-here")
(setq le-gpt-anthropic-key "your-anthropic-key-here"))
If you're using evil
, you'll want to add
(with-eval-after-load 'evil
(evil-define-key 'normal le-gpt-buffer-list-mode-map
(kbd "RET") #'le-gpt-buffer-list-open-buffer
(kbd "d") #'le-gpt-buffer-list-mark-delete
(kbd "u") #'le-gpt-buffer-list-unmark
(kbd "x") #'le-gpt-buffer-list-execute
(kbd "gr") #'le-gpt-buffer-list-refresh
(kbd "q") #'quit-window))
to get the above mentioned buffer list comands to work.
See all available customizations via M-x customize-group RET le-gpt
Basic configuration:
;; API Keys
(setq le-gpt-openai-key "sk-...")
(setq le-gpt-anthropic-key "sk-ant-...")
(setq le-gpt-deepseek-key "sk-...")
;; Model Parameters (optional)
(setq le-gpt-model "gpt-4o")
(setq le-gpt-max-tokens 2000)
(setq le-gpt-temperature 0)
;; API Selection (default is 'openai)
(setq le-gpt-api-type 'anthropic)
Start a chat session:
M-x le-gpt-chat
If you provide a prefix argument, you can select context files for a single query.
Get completions based on your current cursor position:
M-x le-gpt-complete-at-point
Set project files as context:
M-x le-gpt-select-project-files
The context will be used by chat, completion, and region transforms.
Note that these files are persisted between multiple calls.
To deselect files:
M-x le-gpt-deselect-project-files
Or, to clear the entire selection:
M-x le-gpt-clear-selected-context-files
Transform selection via:
M-x le-gpt-transform-region
Display a list of all GPT buffers:
M-x le-gpt-list-buffers
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests on GitHub.
- Ability to generate images (?)
- Add all files of the current project as context (?)
- Ability to let GPT decide which context files it needs
- RAG for indexing files (?)
le-gpt.el is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.