Localization framework for .NET Maui
The following packages are available via NuGet
Package | NuGet |
Mocale | |
Mocale.Cache.SQLite | |
Mocale.Providers.Azure.Blob | |
Mocale.Providers.GitHub.Raw | |
Mocale.SourceGenerators | |
Mocale.Testing |
Mocale is setup and configured in your MauiProgram.cs
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.UseMocale(mocale =>
There are multiple configuration points to use with Mocale:
- Global
- Internal Provider
- External Provider
- Caching Provider
You must call WithConfiguration
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.UseMocale(mocale =>
mocale.WithConfiguration(config =>
This method will provide the basic configuration of the library, the following configuration points are available:
Property | Type | Description | Default |
Default Culture | CultureInfo |
The default culture to load localizations for. This will be used on the first load of your app as the culture. | Current culture of thread |
Show Missing Keys | bool |
Whether missing localizations should have a value returned. If a key is missing and this is enabled, the key will be returned as the localization. This should serve as a reminder to update your resources. If disabled an empty string will be returned. | true |
Not Found Symbol | string |
The symbol to use to indicate a localization is actually a missing key. This symbol will be wrapped around the missing key string, to make it clear this is a missing value: "$MyKey$" |
$ |
Use External Provider | bool |
Whether an external localization provider should be used, if you just want to use this library locally without the ability to update localizations on the fly this flag can be set to prevent the app from trying to update or cache localizations. | true |
Save Culture Changed | bool |
When a culture is changed, whether the new value should be saved for future loads. If the default language is English and a user updates their preference to French, when this value is true if the user kills the app and restarts it, it will load in French. | true |
If this method has not been called, an initialization exception will occur.
Mocale ships with 2 internal providers, one for Resx
and one for Json
. Currently both providers are supported but if
using external providers it is recommended to use Json
because i haven't fully implemented Resx
with external
providers or the source generators yet.
Internal providers provide the solid foundation for your localizations. These use files that are bundled with the app and can be load immediately
This will use Json to load localizations that have been registered as an EmbeddedResource
. These files are governed by the MocaleResource
property which is set to Resources/Locales
by default. To override this directory then set MocaleResource
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.UseMocale(mocale =>
mocale.WithConfiguration(config =>
.UseEmbeddedResources(config =>
config.ResourcesPath = "Locales";
config.ResourcesAssembly = typeof(App).Assembly;
The following config is available:
Property | Type | Description | Default |
Resources Path | string |
The directory name that contains the localisations. The files must exist in this directory as EmbeddedResource in order for the library to load them |
Locales |
Resource Assembly | Assembly |
The assembly containing the localisations. You can provide this value easily by referencing a type in your app and providing its assembly property: typeof(App).Assembly |
Must be set during registration |
Use Resource Folder | bool |
Whether Mocale should look for the locale folder in | true |
The format of these files should be a keyvalue pair of strings in json format:
"CurrentLocaleName": "English",
"LocalizationCurrentProviderIs": "The current localization provider is:",
"LocalizationProviderName": "Json",
"MocaleDescription": "Localization framework for .NET Maui",
"MocaleTitle": "Mocale"
This will use local app resources (resx) to provide the internal localizations.
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.UseMocale(mocale =>
mocale.WithConfiguration(config =>
.UseAppResources(config =>
config.AppResourcesType = typeof(AppResources);
The following config is available:
Property | Type | Description | Default |
App Resources Type | Type |
The Type of the resources class generated by the compiler. At runtime this will be used to create an instance of ResourceManager , which will be able to query the values in the xml. |
Must be set during registration |
External providers allow you to update localizations without recompiling your app. This is really powerful for multiple reasons:
- Fix mistakes made in QA for spelling
- Update text and resources based on business requirements
Currently only a single external provider can be used but it is a roadmap item to be able to use multiple providers where the need arises.
By design external providers are considered risky and they will only be considered a source of truth if they return values. The caching layer of the library will persist any data pulled from these providers and whilst the app is within the window of cache only the local data will be used.
There is currently only 1 implemented external provider and its implementation is not extremely robust (missing features such as auth) but I plan to develop these over time. It is also intended for you to create your own external providers based on your specific requirements. If the provider is generic enough I would implore you to contribute it back to this library, equally if it is business specific then you can manage it internally.
This provider will search for resource in Blob Storage.
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.UseMocale(mocale =>
mocale.WithConfiguration(config =>
.UseBlobStorage(config =>
config.BlobContainerUri = new Uri("https://azurestorage/mocale/");
config.RequiresAuthentication = false;
config.CheckForFile = true;
Currently this provider only works for public facing blob files, I intend to allow authentication for privately hosted files.
The following configuration is available:
Property | Type | Description | Default |
Blob Container Uri | Uri |
The url for the blob container that will be queried. This is a base url so if the file in storage is https://www.yourblobstorage.com/locales/en-GB.json , this value would be https://www.yourblobstorage.com/locales/ |
Must be set during registration |
Requires Authentication | bool |
Whether the requests to the container require authentication. This is not implemented and authenticated containers will fail when called. | false |
Check For File | bool |
Whether mocale should check for the blob file before trying to read it. When true, the file will be searched for before it is read. If false the library will assume the name of a file and blindly try and search for it. It is recommended to leave this value as true , however false will theortically yield better performance due to less api calls. |
true |
Version Prefix | string |
The version prefix of the file. If you are versioning your blob storage files then this will automatically be appended between the url & file name. Potential use cases are where you have files versioned for every major / minor version of your app. I intend to build upon this versioning idea in future builds of the library. |
null |
File Type | LocaleResourceType |
The file type of the resource, currently json is the only type supported | Json |
There is currently one caching provider Mocale.Cache.SQLite
, this provides a cache layer for Mocale using a SQLite
Install Mocale.Cache.SQLite
package into your project and in the MocaleBuilder
register the provider:
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.UseMocale(mocale =>
mocale.WithConfiguration(config =>
.UseSqliteCache(config =>
config.UpdateInterval = TimeSpan.FromDays(7);
The following config is available:
Property | Type | Description | Default |
Update Interval | TimeSpan |
The interval in which the cache should be updated. If the last checked date was lower than the update interval, the library will attempt to use the external provider to update the localization resources. If the last checked date was greater than the update interval, the cache will be used and no external call will be made. | 1 day |
The database name and location is not configurable, it will create its own database named Mocale.db
the FileSystem.AppDataDirectory
Currently there is no in memory package and if you run Mocale without referencing this package it will not function because not all of the required classes for normal lib function have been implemented in the main assembly.
This is a roadmap item to not have consumers depend on the SQLite package.
Once registered using the host builder, the library will automatically initialise using the given config.
Reference mocale as an xml namespace:
Note keys will be generated in the namespace
, but they will be included within your apps assembly, therefore an assembly reference is not required.
Use the provided markup extension:
<Label Text="{mocale:Localize MocaleDescription}" />
<Label Text="{mocale:Localize Key={x:Static keys:TranslationKeys.MocaleDescription}}" />
Provide an IValueConverter
<Label Text="{mocale:Localize Key=CurrentLocaleName, Converter={StaticResource LanguageEmojiConverter}}" />
<Label Text="{mocale:Localize Key={x:Static keys:TranslationKeys.CurrentLocaleName}, Converter={StaticResource LanguageEmojiConverter}}" />
I will be updating this to provide a more testable way to retrieve translations in the viewmodel layer
In your class add ITranslatorManager
private readonly ITranslatorManager translatorManager;
public MyViewModel(ITranslatorManager translatorManager)
this.translatorManager = translatorManager;
Use the methods provided to translate:
private void DoSomething()
var appTitle = translatorManager.Translate("AppTitle");
In your class add ILocalizationManager
private readonly ILocalizationManager localizationManager;
public MyViewModel(ILocalizationManager localizationManager)
this.localizationManager = localizationManager;
Call SetCultureAsync
to attempt to change culture:
private async Task ChangeCultureToFrench()
var french = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
var changed = await localizationManager.SetCultureAsync(french);
Console.WriteLine($"Changed to french: {changed}");
The Mocale.SourceGenerators
package provides some extra useful features for develepment.
When installed this package will automatically generate a translations key constants file for you, this is essentially
the same as the Resx
designer file. This allows you to have strong typings for your translation keys which will be
valuable for cases such as removing a resource key, normally this key would be orphaned in your code and wouldn't be an
issue until runtime, now if you have a reference through code, removing it will cause your compile to fail.
Source generators are only compatible with Json localizations, Resx already have designer files you can reference.
To get this source generator to work:
- Place your json files in the locales folder, by default this is
, if you want to use another directory then override<MocaleResourcePath>
in your csproj:
<MocaleResource Include="MyCustomPath\Locales\*.json" />
Build solution (to run the generator)
A new class named
will be generated under the namespace of the assembly referencing the generator.
The generated class will look similar to:
// <auto-generated/>
namespace Mocale.Translations;
public static class TranslationKeys
/// <summary>
/// Looks up a localized string using key KeyOne.
/// </summary>
public const string KeyOne = "KeyOne";
/// <summary>
/// Looks up a localized string using key KeyTwo.
/// </summary>
public const string KeyTwo = "KeyTwo";
The generated properties will be Pascal cased and have illegal c# characters sanitized. The values will be unaltered and will be able to use as keys for the localizations.
The namespace for the constants is equal to the assembly name referencing the generator:
- The following class will be created:
You can use these classes in Xaml or C# to perform translations:
<Label Text="{mocale:Localize Key={x:Static keys:TranslationKeys.LabelTitle}}"/>
var labelTitle = translationManager.Translate(TranslationKeys.LabelTitle);
These are features not yet currently in Mocale which I intend to add in the near future, mainly because I will be needing them. Feel free to raise a PR if I haven't got around to implementing them 😄
- String formatting
- Stretch: Definable format criteria aka not just
"Replace {0} and {1}"
but for complicated strings like"Replace {value} and {name}"
- Stretch: Definable format criteria aka not just
- Support for different types of locale file (aka
), currently json is assumed - Support for multiple external providers
- Add a more MVVM friendly mechanism to resolve translations (such as a
where you request a number of keys & get localizations back) - Resolve translation keys within the mocale
, I did try this but couldn't get it working.