========================= No Longer Supported =========================
This project has reached the end of development and is no longer supported
- The repository, including issues, pull requests, labels, milestones, projects, wiki, releases, commits, tags, branches, reactions, and comments, has transitioned into a read-only state.
- While active contributions and changes are no longer accepted, you can still fork and clone the repository. The project's original license remains in effect.
- The repository is scheduled for permanent deletion on 31/06/2025. We encourage you to download any materials or resources you may need from the repository before this date.
- While this project is unlikely to be un-archived, the possibility remains open, albeit with minimal probability.
========================= No Longer Supported =========================
Base 24 themes for VSCode https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Go to your Extensions view in VSCode File -> Preferences ->
Extensions or
- Search for
and install
- To open the list of themes available: Search for
Color Theme
in your Command Pallet, orCTRL + K, CTRL + T
or File -> Preferences -> Themes -> Color Theme - Filter and select the theme you want to use.
MIT License; multiple authors.
(See the LICENSE for more information.)
See the Changelog for more information.
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. Please see the Code of Conduct for more information.
Contributions are welcome, please see the Contributing Guidelines for more information.
Thank you for improving the security of the project, please see the Security Policy for more information.
Install the theme and keep up to date by cloning the repo:
base24.py --online --verbose --config .\templates\config.yaml
npm run update:packagejson:themes