Attempting to bridge technology and art making with this site with a Yeoman-scaffolded Angular app on Heroku. The app is also a chance for to practice D3, Bower, Node, Grunt, etc... Basically a place to have fun while sharpening modern front-end technologies.
Play and help me test, please... :)
Oct 6th, 2014 - Added borders, country and city names Oct 5th, 2014 - British Isles Map with colors Oct 2nd, 2014 - Redesigned with API Oct 1st, 2014 - Added dist to GitHub and deployed the app to Heroku Sep 30th, 2014 - Added Word Game
Music Concierge - Top Albums Search Engine using (a music site) API and a word game based on the search results. Not very good yet. But it's there.
Will continue building little bit by little bit...
- A bug with enter with a blank album name. Need better handling.
- Another bug when the Answer button has to be clicked by the mouse but no response for Enter key.
- An un-finished feature when incorrect answer is given to the Word Game.
- Need a scrollable grid, or even pagination, for album list.
- Enhancement to make Correct/Incorrect animations.
- Try D3.js to do data visualization.
- Think more other ideas to practice with data.
@ [email protected]