Just a simple app, made with VueJS 2.x and built with Vue Cli.
Demo => https://tahaipek.github.io/VueJs-2-Github-Search-Profile/
Change Github Api Token and build ./src/App.Vue
const clientId = '<Client Id>';
const clientSecret = '<Client Secret Key>';
##Contents I have used some of vue js topics which I wrote below in this repository.
- The Vue Instance
- Properties and Methods
- Instance Lifecycle Hooks
- Template Syntax
- Interpolations
- Text
- Attributes
- Directives
- Shorthands
- v-bind
- v-on
- Computed Properties
- Class and Style Bindings
- Conditional Rendering
- List Rendering
- Event Handling
- Method Event Handlers
- Methods in Inline Handlers
- Key Modifiers
- Form Input Bindings
- TextBox
- CheckBox
- Components
- Passing Data with Props
- Dynamic Props
- One-Way Data Flow
Prerequisites: Node.js (6.x preferred), npm version 3+ and Git.
Clone or download the repo. If you don't have Vue CLI installed:
npm install -g vue-cli
Click here to see a full list of what you can do with Vue CLI.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.
"No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource." If you get this error, try to run the following line of code.