Update your plex automatic. With this script.
Create a crontab entry to run this file.
# vim /etc/crontab
18 1 * * * root python3 /path/to/script/plex_update.py
First you have to change the IP. Dont use localhost or
plex = Plex(server_ip="")
If you have a lifetime pass then define token
like this. You can find your token here:
plex = Plex(server_ip="192.168.1.X", token='Sd123kdj29sj')
if you don't have any just leave at its.
Run this script like:
# python3 /path/to/script/plex_update.py
For any troubles you can define DEBUG mode to find your issue. You can find your logs file within the current dir.
plex = Plex(server_ip="192.168.1.X", logging_level='DEBUG')