Code Runner Like VsCode
After hours and hours of searching for a vim add-on equal to code runner and none of the ones found satisfied my needs, I said to myself "Hey, it's time to create it!"
Open a terminal and run ./install
Before installing you can configure the languages you want to be supported, The configuration file is called crlvc.json.
The file should look like this:
"java": "cd {dir} && javac {fileName} && java {fileNameWithoutExt}",
"kt": "cd {dir} && kotlinc-native {fileName} -o {fileNameWithoutExt} && ./{fileNameWithoutExt}.kexe",
"c": "cd {dir} && gcc {fileName} -o {fileNameWithoutExt} && {dir}{fileNameWithoutExt}",
"cpp": "cd {dir} && g++ {fileName} -o {fileNameWithoutExt} && {dir}{fileNameWithoutExt}",
"py": "python -u {file}",
"cs": "alacritty -e sh -c 'cd {dir} && mcs {fileName} && mono *.exe'",
"ts": "deno run {file}",
"rs": "cd {dir} && rustc {fileName} && {dir}{fileNameWithoutExt}"
In the crlvc.json a series of commands associated with file extensions is specified, if you want to add some other language follow this structure "extension": "commans"
Variables are represented in python f string style the available variables are the following:
- file //file path(~/anyrute/anyrute/myfile.cpp)
- fileName //file name(myfile.cpp)
- fileNameWithoutExt //file without extension(myfile)
- dir //path(~/anyrute/anyrute/)
add support to javascript and objective c:
....... more..........
"js": "node {file}",
"m": "cd {dir} && gcc -framework Cocoa {fileName} -o {fileNameWithoutExt} && {dir}{fileNameWithoutExt}"
In Terminal:
crlvc ~/somedir/myfile
so simple.
The easiest way to use is by assigning it shortcuts
add this to your .vimrc or init.vim:
nmap <leader>B :belowright 7split term://crlvc %<CR>
Use the combination of keys you want
If you have any ideas to improve this project, do not hesitate to make a request, if problems arise, try to solve them and publish them. Don't be so picky I did this in one afternoon.