PhotonPi is a web server for the Anycubic Photon using a Raspberry Pi Zero W.
Minimum 8GB SD card if using network-based USB drive. 4GB SD card for web server interface no network-based USB drive. Raspberry Pi Zero W(not tested with other Pi's currently). Full image currently at 3.79GB.
Format SD card as a Fat32
Download the Latest Version of PhotonPi and use Etcher or Win32 to put the image on the SD card.
After the image is created create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf on the root of the SD card with the following from: Fill out the Country, ssid, and psk(password) for connecting to WiFi. Save the file. The format is very important and can lead to not connecting to wifi if not formated correctly please click the edit button on github for the correct format.
Eject SD card, insert it into the Pi, and boot up the Pi using the USB port. Booting can take a few minutes and will connect and disconnect from the computer a few times, this is the network-based USB drive from the pi. Do not try to fix the USB if windows says there is a problem!
Under network connection in file explorer you should see a computer named PhotonPi, this is the place where you upload files to. Create a test file and make sure it can be seen on the network USB drive, this might take a few seconds and it should disconnect/ reconnect to the computer.
Check the website by going to photonpi.local/ in Chrome. You should see the following:
This is a shareable camera feed for others to view. If no camera feed is present make sure flash is enabled.
- Go to photonpi.local/home.html this is the user interface of PhotonPi, take a look around. These pages are user changeable through HTML, Java, and PHP.
- Solder a 3 pin header to UART1 located near the USB port on the board. Solder a 3 pin header to the the pi as shown below.
- Connect GND to GND, Rx to Tx, and Tx to Rx
- Test connections by booting up Photon with the Pi connected and see if you can send Gcode to the machine, start with Home first.
The default size is 512MB of Network USB Storage To increase the size do the following
- Open up Putty and connect to the pi by entering Photonpi.local to ssh in
- Login using standard pi login username and password
- Type in the following: sudo dd bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/piusb.bin count=2048
The count is the space to format 2048 = 2GB 4096= 4GB etc.
- Format it :sudo mkdosfs /piusb.bin -F 32 -I
Location: /var/www/html
V1.1.0 HTML/PHP files are published under PhotonPi_V1.1.0 for reference
If you need to change the resolution or FPS of the live stream go to the following:
Edit the following line of code:
raspivid -t -0 -w 1080 -h 720 -awb auto -fps 20 -b 1200000 -o - |ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -i - -vcodec copy -an -f flv -metadata streamName=myStream tcp://
- Finish Serial Terminal
- Switch away from Flash Player due to Adobe discontinuing support in 2020(Will be a forced update)
- Login with username and password
- Multiple device connection