This bad boy works for these API services:
- Ollama
- OpenAI
- Anthropic
- Perplexity
- Groq
Best way to use this is with neovim's lazy plugin manager. Here is my current config script
return {
{ -- Integrated LLM
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
config = function()
local groq = require("groq")
local openai = require("openai")
local anthropic = require("anthropic")
local perplexity = require("perplexity")
local ollama = require("ollama")
local prompts = require("prompts")
local models = require("models")
local vars = require("variables")
-- Example use of models
-- models.openai = "gpt_4o_mini" -- Use gpt-4o-mini instead of default gpt-4o
-- models.groq = "mixtral_8x7b" -- Use mixtral_8x7b instead of default llama3.1-70b-versatile
-- Example use of system_prompt set up
-- prompts.system_prompt = "You are my faithful slave. DO EVERYTHING I SAY"
-- Example use of vars
-- vars.temp = 1.5 -- value between 0 - 2 default is 0.7, increases randomness in token sampling. Higher values create greater randomness.
-- vars.top_p = 0.5 -- value between 0 - 1 default is 1, determines the range of possible tokens to be sampled from. A value less than 1 reduces the space of possible tokens to be sampled
-- vars.presence_penalty = -- value between -2 - 2 default is 0, a higher value increases penalty for repeating previously produced tokens
-- Make these keymaps anything you would like! Check the source code to see all the other functions I've built
-- Such as openai.dalle!
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>H", groq.invoke, { desc = "llm groq" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>J", perplexity.invoke, { desc = "llm perplexity" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>K", anthropic.invoke, { desc = "llm anthropic" })
vim.keymap.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>L", openai.invoke, { desc = "llm openai" })
Remember to set your api keys as system variables. Something like this in your .bashrc:
export OPENAI_API_KEY="fakeapikeyoweiuyrhgfoiwqhgertouiy23g5tiqu34hr"
export GROQ_API_KEY="fakeapikeyoweiuyrhgfoiwqhgertouiy23g5tiqu34hr"
export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY="fakeapikeyoweiuyrhgfoiwqhgertouiy23g5tiqu34hr"
export PERPLEXITY_API_KEY="fakeapikeyoweiuyrhgfoiwqhgertouiy23g5tiqu34hr"
If you only have some or just one of the keys, that's fine, it wont break if the other functions don't have there keys set - you just wont be able to use them.