Create a card game which meets the following acceptance criteria:
By default, this card game is played with two players
Display a "Play" button in the UI
Clicking the "Play" button will deal hands to all players and determine a winner
- Deal cards from one standard 52-card deck
- A hand contains seven cards
Display those hands in the UI
The winner of the game is determined by the number of pairs a hand contains
Visually indicate which player has won the round
Mark each hand's pairs with a colored border
- Each pair in a hand should have a unique border color.
Whenever the "Play" button is pressed again, new hands will be dealt and a new winner will be determined
- Option to add or remove hands (2-4 players allowed)
- Automated tests
- TypeScript
- Written in React
- Readable/understandable
- Well-organized
- Efficient
- Extensible
- Not overly complicated
Please update this readme with any notes on your code.