Added experimental support for the web platform in the Countly Flutter SDK. Some functionalities are not yet fully supported. Below is the list of limitations for the web platform:
- Hybrid sessions are the default; full manual sessions are not supported.
- Features Not Supported: Push Notifications, APM, and Attribution.
- Countly.setUserLocation and Countly.disableLocation are unavailable.
- In Views, the following view-related functions are not supported:
- startView
- stopViewWithName
- stopViewWithID
- stopAllViews
- pauseViewWithID
- resumeViewWithID
- addSegmentationToViewWithName
- addSegmentationToViewWithID
- updateGlobalViewSegmentation
- setGlobalViewSegmentation
- In Remote Config, the clearAll function is unavailable, and caching functionality is not provided.
- In A/B Testing the following are not supported:
- exitABTestsForKeys
- Variant-level control
- Experiment-level control
- Star Rating and related configuration options are unavailable.
- User properties during initialization are not supported.
- Custom network headers are not supported.
- Dropping old requests is not supported.
- Content zone global callback is not supported.
- Experimental configuration options are not supported.
Added 'event' interface for events methods which are
- recordEvent(String key, [Map<String, Object>? segmentation, int? count, int? sum, int? duration])
- startEvent(String key)
- endEvent(String key, [Map<String, Object>? segmentation, int? count, int? sum])
- cancelEvent(String key)
Added 'cancelEvent' to cancel a timed event, it is accesible through 'events' interface
Deprecated the following methods from the Countly
- 'recordEvent(options)', instead use 'events.recordEvent(key, [segmentation, count, sum, duration])
- 'startEvent(key)', instead use 'events.startEvent(key)'
- 'endEvent(options)', instead use 'events.endEvent(key, [segmentation, count, sum])'
Improved content size management for better adaptability across devices.
Resolved an issue where the action bar overlapped with the content display.
Added dynamic resizing functionality for the content zone for enhanced responsiveness.
Introduced a configuration option (setZoneTimerInterval) to customize the content zone timer interval.
Enhanced CertificateTrustManager to support domain-specific configurations with hostname-aware checkServerTrusted calls (Android).
Fixed an issue where the build UUID and executable name were missing from crash reports (iOS).
Mitigated an issue while setting zone timer interval for content (iOS).
Updated underlying Android SDK version to 25.1.1
Updated underlying iOS SDK version to 25.1.1
Added underlying Web SDK version to 25.1.0