DevToday is a comprehensive platform for developers, providing a curated feed of tech news, podcasts, and events. Developed as part of the JSM Masterclass, this personal project serves as a comprehensive developer community hub with interactive features such as podcast playback and maps for meetup maps.
v.2.0 Deployed Site (In Development)
Live Demo
*Contact me for demo credentials to explore an existing account.
- Authentication – Clerk auth for secure sign-up, sign-in, and logout functionalities.
- Onboarding – Provides an introduction and walkthrough for new users.
- Interactive Feeds – Displays posts, podcasts, and group feeds.
- Meetups List – Lists upcoming meetups.
- Profile Management – Manage user profiles, follow other users, and update profile details.
- Interactions – Like posts, podcasts, and comments.
- Comments – Comment on posts, meetups, and podcasts.
- Content Management – Edit, create, and delete posts, groups, meetups, podcasts, and comments.
- Group Membership – Join and leave groups.
- Search – CmdK search provides fuzzy search functionality.
- Notifications – Provides real-time updates with features for marking notifications as read and infinite scrolling.
- Mobile Responsiveness – Ensures usability on mobile devices.
- Light and Dark Modes – Supports both themes.
- Version Control and Project Management – Integrated with Git, GitHub, and Asana for efficient team collaboration.
- Next.js - Framework for building server-side-rendered React applications.
- Clerk - Handles user authentication with secure sign-up, sign-in, and logout functionalities.
- PostgreSQL - Relational database management system.
- - ORM for interacting with the database.
- Supabase - Backend-as-a-Service for database management.
- Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
- Shadcn - Component library for Tailwind CSS.
- Framer Motion - Animation library for React.
- React DatePicker - Flexible date and time picker component for React applications.
- TinyMCE - WYSIWYG HTML editor.
- Upload Dropzone - Library for file uploads.
- Google Maps API - Maps and location services.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Clone the Repo:
git clone[username]/DevToday.git
cd DevToday
- Install Dependencies
npm install
- Set Up Environment Variables: Create a
file in the project root:
- Run the Project
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the project.
Header/Footer Nav
🔳 Close menu when a selection is made from “Create Content“ dropdown
🔳 Crop notification profile images to a circle
Home Pages (Post, Meetup, Podcast, Group)
🔳 Fix sticky footer jumps and scrollbar between route changes on small screens
🔳 Ensure “Posts“ content width adjusts to screen size
Group Details Page
🔳 Add “Delete group“ functionality
🔳 Add “View all“ members and admins link and page
🔳 Add user removal or admin assignment functionality
Post Details Page
🔳 Match hover effect on “More from ...“ cards with other detail pages
Profile Page
🔳 Add “no content“ placeholder for tabs (Posts, Meetups, Podcasts, Groups), “Performance“, and “Recent Posts“ sections
🔳 Add missing hover states on buttons (Edit Profile, Follow) and links in the “Performance“ section, and tabs (Posts, Meetups, Podcasts, Groups)
🔳 Ensure “Posts“ tab width adjusts to screen size
Create Pages
🔳 Add missing hover effects on buttons (Cancel, Publish Meetup)
🔳 Resolve Upload Dropzone's re-opening of the finder window on esc, when clicking on “Drag & Drop or upload png or jpeg up to 16MB“ area
🔳 Add skeleton loading states for route changes
🔳 Add infinite scroll to “Select Group“ dropdown and fix group hover styles
🔳 Create Group: Add missing hover effects on buttons (Set a Profile Photo, Upload a cover image)
🔳 Create Podcast: Fix light mode input style on “Podcast Audio File“ input
Edit Profile Page
🔳 “Cancel“ button should not trigger a profile update and a loading state on the “Update Profile“ button
🔳 Add missing hover effect on “Edit Profile“ button
🔳 Fix “Interested Tech“ input to wrap tags and space content correctly
Miscellaneous Updates
🔳 Connect notifications to user actions
🔳 Resolve lag between a user click and the loading.tsx file
🔳 Make tags clickable and link to content
🔳 Move light/dark mode toggle out of Clerk menu
🔳 Link comment authors to their profiles
🔳 Refactor code to remove duplication
🔳 Add “Share post“ functionality
🔳 Add live values for number of views
🔳 Build an admin panel
Teammate's GitHub
Adam Gordon
v1.0 Deployed Site
Live Demo
*Contact me for demo credentials to explore an existing account.
My responsibilities
Header/Footer Navbar
- Route setup and configuration
- Clerk menu integration
- Light and dark mode control
- Profile management and sign-in/sign-out functionality
- Notifications
- Continuous scroll, ordering, and mark all as read features
- Navigation to corresponding content for each notification type
- CmdK search implementation
Post, Meetup, Group Detail Pages
- Interactive Google Maps API integration
- Edit and delete functionalities for posts, meetups, and groups
- Comments
- Ordering with animation
- Edit, add, delete, and like comments based on user role
- Group
- Members tab display
- Follow and remove users based on role
- Display of top-ranked groups and statistical highlights
- Functionality for joining and leaving groups
- Follow and visit author of post or meetup
Post, Meetup, Group Create Pages
- Interactive Google Maps API integration
- Zod validation and form generation
- Admin and member search functionalities
- React DatePicker integration
- TinyMCE code editor implementation
- Upload Dropzone integration
Database and Schema Management
- Creation and configuration of initial database schema
- Implementation of create, read, update, and delete actions for each feature
- Use of Faker.js for generating seed data
Mobile Responsiveness
- Ensuring usability and styling consistency across mobile devices for each feature
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.