Download the binary from the latest release on github. For instance:
cp dodas /usr/local/bin
In alternative you can also run the dodas command inside the client container dodasts/dodas-client:v1.3.0
CLI autocomplete
Autocompletion for bash and zsh is supported
- bash add the following line to ~/.bashrc:
. <(dodas autocomplete)
- zsh add the following line to ~/.zshrc:
source <(dodas zsh-autocomplete)
You can find now a template for creating your client configuration file in config/client_config.yaml. Note that by default the client will look for $HOME/.dodas.yaml
Now you are ready to go. For instance you can validate a tosca template like this:
dodas validate --template tests/tosca/valid_template.yml
Tip: you can find supported tosca templates for applications and k8s deployments on the DODAS template repo
or you can create a cluster through the InfrastructureManager configured in your configuration file:
dodas create --config my_client_conf.yaml my_template.yaml
To list the Infrastructure ID of all your deployments:
dodas list infIDs
You can eventually login into a vm in created cluster that has a public IP address with:
dodas login <infID> <vmID>
# e.g. dodas login cb585e5c-33b6-11ea-8776-0242ac150003 0
Your deployments will be created and managed by the InfrastructureManager(IM). To start playing with DODAS please refer to this two quick start guides on the official site:
- using the community instance of IM (required free registration for evaluation purpose here)
- a standalone setup where IM will be deployed in a docker container and used with the client
N.B All of the pre-compiled templates provided by DODAS use the helm charts defined and documented here.
Therefore all the available applications can be installed as they are on top of any k8s instance with Helm
To compile on a linux machine (go version that supports go modules
is required for building from source: e.g. >= v1.12):
make build
while to compile with Docker:
make docker-build
It's also possible to cross compile for windows and macOS with:
make windows-build
make macos-build
If you want to contribute:
- create a branch
- upload your changes
- create a pull request
This work is co-funded by the EOSC-hub project (Horizon 2020) under Grant number 777536.
DODAS Team provides two support channels, email and Slack channel.
- mailing list: send a message to the following list [email protected]
- slack channel: join us on Slack Channel