To run this program, you must have Ubuntu system,
Linux kernel version >= 3.10
jdk1.8 version,
The port required by gojudge is 5050
- Download the binary precompiled file
or run on Docker
docker run -it --rm --privileged --shm-size=256m -p 5050:5050 criyle/executorserver
Run binary precompiled files on Ubuntu
First set permissions
chmod +x filename
After that start sandbox
./file name
Next we open postman for testing and send the request in post form http://IP:5050/run with parameters
"cmd": [{
"args": ["/usr/bin/g++", "", "-o", "a"],
"env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
"files": [{
"content": ""
}, {
"name": "stdout",
"max": 10240
}, {
"name": "stderr",
"max": 10240
"cpuLimit": 10000000000,
"memoryLimit": 104857600,
"procLimit": 50,
"copyIn": {
"": {
"content": "#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n} "
"copyOut": ["stdout", "stderr"],
"copyOutCached": ["", "a"],
"copyOutDir": "1"
Our server will return us
"status": "Accepted",
"exitStatus": 0,
"time": 726910000,
"memory": 55812096,
"runTime": 787566071,
"files": {
"stderr": "",
"stdout": ""
"fileIds": {
"": "4EK46KIB",
"a": "LR567VHA"
Next we run him according to the Id of Main
"cmd": [{
"args": ["a"],
"env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
"files": [{
"content": "1 1"
}, {
"name": "stdout",
"max": 10240
}, {
"name": "stderr",
"max": 10240
"cpuLimit": 10000000000,
"memoryLimit": 104857600,
"procLimit": 50,
"strictMemoryLimit": false,
"copyIn": {
"a": {
"fileId": "LR567VHA"
Server feedback to us
"status": "Accepted",
"exitStatus": 0,
"time": 7191000,
"memory": 6672384,
"runTime": 15512983,
"files": {
"stderr": "",
"stdout": "2\n"