i use @elastic/apm-rum-vue
, and use its export function ApmVuePlugin
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import { ApmVuePlugin } from "@elastic/apm-rum-vue";
const app = createApp(App);
and then i build project
but the function patchEventTarget
in file named event-target-patch.js
is not build into the dist file.
source file in @elastic/apm-rum-core/dist/es/common/patching/index.js
function patchAll() {
if (!alreadyPatched) {
alreadyPatched = true;
patchXMLHttpRequest(function (event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(XMLHTTPREQUEST, [event, task]);
patchFetch(function (event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(FETCH, [event, task]);
patchHistory(function (event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(HISTORY, [event, task]);
patchEventTarget(function (event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(EVENT_TARGET, [event, task]);
return patchEventHandler;
dist file index.xxxxxx.js
(build.minify = false
function patchAll() {
if (!alreadyPatched) {
alreadyPatched = true;
patchXMLHttpRequest(function(event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(XMLHTTPREQUEST, [event, task]);
patchFetch(function(event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(FETCH, [event, task]);
patchHistory(function(event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(HISTORY, [event, task]);
// patchEventTarget disappeared ...
return patchEventHandler;
but when i add a console.log()
, build it again and function patchEventTarget
is exist in dist file...
add console.log
in @elastic/apm-rum-core/dist/es/common/patching/index.js
function patchAll() {
if (!alreadyPatched) {
alreadyPatched = true;
patchXMLHttpRequest(function (event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(XMLHTTPREQUEST, [event, task]);
patchFetch(function (event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(FETCH, [event, task]);
patchHistory(function (event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(HISTORY, [event, task]);
// add a console to read patchEventTarget
patchEventTarget(function (event, task) {
patchEventHandler.send(EVENT_TARGET, [event, task]);
return patchEventHandler;
or add console.log
in @elastic/apm-rum-core/dist/es/common/patching/event-target-patch.js
export function patchEventTarget(callback) {
if (!window.EventTarget) {
var proto = window.EventTarget.prototype;
var nativeAddEventListener = proto[ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_STR];
var nativeRemoveEventListener = proto[REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER_STR];
// other code
last i set the build.rollupOptions.treeshake = false to solve problem.
it seems that function patchEventTarget
is regarded as something which can be treeshake...